Page 104 of Lights, Camera, Love

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“Yeah, because you thought they’d come sniffing around you when Sophie was gone, and they were trying to escape the stench of desperation,” Julie said. It was a mean-girl tactic, but if Cheryl had tried to go after either Aaron or Oliver, she had it coming.

Have I mentioned how much I liked Julie? Yes? Well, let me reiterate. I adored this woman.

Ryan winked at me and moved his little character on the board. “Julie, you owe me four hundred dollars.”

“Oh no,” she said wistfully. “I don’t have four hundred.”

She stood from her seat on the floor and started lifting the hem of her top. “Isn’t there anything else I can do to make it up to you?”

Ryan froze, his eyes firmly locked on Julie’s, and his hands gripped the wood of the coffee table so hard his knuckles had gone white. Cheryl and Nicoletta’s faces were open-mouthed in abject horror. And Julie laughed, but there was a note of strain in it.

“You guys are idiots,” Cheryl said, rolling her eyes.

Julie huffed and flopped into the chair, mortgaging a property instead of sexual favors for rent money. “You’re so sensitive, Cheryl.”

I was smiling all the way to the gym.

Aaron was on the leg press, and Oliver stood beside him, monitoring his progress. Music played from the speakers, drowning out the grunts from Aaron as he worked out.

Reaching the stereo, I lowered the volume from blaring to manageable.

They swiveled their heads in my direction.

“Hi, boys.” I wiggled my fingers at them. “Miss me?”

Oliver leaped into action, fiddling with something on the machine before tearing across the gym to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face in my neck. “So much.”

My heart skipped a beat, and when Oliver pulled back to kiss me, I rubbed a fist over the misfiring organ. His lips were insistent and desperate.

He kissed me like I’d been off at war instead of on a nearby island for a couple of days.

“Oi! Stop hogging her, you tosser!” Aaron said with a laugh.

“Oh yeah,” Oliver said with no small amount of annoyance. “Aaron here has picked up on some Britishisms from Julie. I wouldn’t wait around for an apology, though. She gets a kick out of it.”

Aaron shoved Oliver out of the way and pressed his forehead to mine. He stepped forward, walking me in reverse until my back was pressed against the mirrored wall. Memories of the weekend crashed over me, but I focused on the here and now and the man in front of me.

“Hey, Sophie girl. I missed you.”

“Missed you too,” I whispered against his lips. His kiss was like coming home. Something settled in my stomach that I hadn’t noticed was out of place. Wrapped up in Diego had been so satisfying and so needed, but I also needed Oliver and Aaron just as much.

This relationship would take some getting used to, and I was excited for it to flourish off the island.

“What have you guys been up to?” I asked, knowing Cheryl had been bugging them since we left.

Oliver winced as he sat on a weight bench. “We’ve mostly been here, and my body is paying for it today. Yesterday, Cheryl was a little… forward in her advances. So, we figured it was better to just hide out.”

“Yeah,” Aaron chimed in. “Better to remove all this temptation.” He stretched, showing off taut muscles and making them dance as he flexed. Sweat-soaked and veins visible, I wiped at my mouth in case any drool had caught on my lip.

He caught the movement and chuckled, but I didn’t care. I just wrapped my arms around his middle while he stretched skyward. “That sounds uncomfortable.”

“Truly,” Oliver confirmed. “It’s fascinating the way things have devolved. Almost like watching a documentary on lionesses. I swear Cheryl and Nicoletta started circling us at one point.”

“How was the weekend?” Aaron asked, waggling his eyebrows at me.

I laughed. “I thought Oliver was the one who liked to watch or hear about my adventures in bed.”

“He’s not the only one.” Aaron led me to a nearby bench, and we sat in a little circle. Er, triangle, I guess. “Come on, Sophie girl. Tell us.”
