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Sophie was sexy as hell, wearing a suit of confidence I wasn’t acquainted with, but she was also soft and pliant. There were no hard edges on this woman, and I was utterly entranced.

She hummed contemplatively. “I don’t remember, but I haven’t slept that well in years.”

Diego’s arm moved from around her ribs, where he’d had it draped over her all night, keeping her close. He stirred on her other side as he awoke.

Rustles of fabric sounded from the other beds, along with a chorus of “Good morning.”

Having the others peer at the three of us as we all popped up in the same bed was decidedlynotthe best way to greet the morning. At least I’d had Sophie’s sleep-rumpled face as my first sight before facing the firing squad around us.

Judgment to disdain to amusement flitted across everyone’s faces. No more so than Cheryl, whom I’d abandoned last night to join Sophie and Diego. Thankfully, her face was pure mirth as she flicked her eyes between the three of us with a coy smile.

I shrugged at her. It wasn’t as if last night was part of any well-thought-out plan. I’d been walking back into the bedroom after brushing my teeth and heard noises that drew me to the bed they were sharing. What was I supposed to do?Notwatch? I was naturally curious and didn’t leave the observations solely to my research.

Finding Sophie in a state of bliss as Diego touched and kissed her had stalled my walk back to bed. Her eyes had connected with mine, lust and seduction shining from within. I’d been helpless to resist when she asked for more.

But nothing had surprised me more than when she faked her orgasm. I wondered if Diego had done a poor job rounding second base, but all the signs that he was on track were there. Her pupils had been dilated, her chest heaving in quick gasps, the catch of her breath unmistakable. But when it came to the grand finale, sure, she gave a good show, but there was no flush on her chest, no involuntary twitching. She moved, but it was too rhythmic, too controlled.

There was nothing wrong with not being able to orgasm, but all signs pointed to its impending arrival. And then, it just… didn’t. I wondered if it was some kind of disconnect. If it was physical or mental, there were coping methods. And it was clear she had enjoyed what we got up to last night, so I didn’t think that was a concern.

I’d meant what I said. Her faking it or feeling under pressure to perform wasn’t a deal breaker or anything. Even if Sophie never wanted to talk about it, I’d respect it. But I wanted to know everything about her, this included.

“So, what’s happening over there?” Cheryl asked, finally breaking the weird, tense silence.

Sophie lowered her face into her hands, but Diego and I were there with a reassuring hand on her back. When his pinky made contact with my hand, he very intentionally moved his palm higher, as if I was going to give him cooties.

I cleared my throat. “We both like Sophie, and obviously, neither of us wanted to sleep without her last night.”

Sophie turned her head, peeking out of her ineffective hand shield, and I watched as the corner of her lip pulled up into a shy smile.

“Yeah,” Diego added, noting Sophie’s embarrassment. “Besides, how will she know who the better cuddler is if she doesn’t compare side by side?”

Sophie became restless, rubbing her shoulder and touching her face as if she didn’t know what to do with all the attention. Not to mention the cameras pointed at all of us from around the room. We knew they were in here, but in these two short days, we had grown so used to them already; it was easy to forget.

Zander clapped his hands in finality on this topic. “Let’s eat and see what chaos the producers have for us today, shall we?”

I pressed a lingering kiss on Sophie’s lips, well aware of both of our morning breath, and climbed out of bed. Diego followed me, then offered our girl a hand. When she was standing, he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers in an intimate kiss. If he was worried about cooties from just touching my hand, I wouldn’t mention us both kissing the same girl. I’d let him connect those dots all on his own.

When he looked over at me, I couldn’t resist. I puckered my lips and blew him a kiss. Realization dawned on his face and he looked torn between wiping his mouth on the back of his hand or letting it slide so he didn’t offend Sophie. He chose wisely, blowing a kiss back in my direction with a laugh.

I wasn’t necessarily interested in men, but I wasn’t opposed to working as a team when it came down to it. And sometimes, that meant touching. So long as I wasn’t sitting in a corner, wondering what to do with myself during a group session, I could roll with the punches, give an assist, or praise Diego the way he seemed to enjoy.

We filtered into the hallway as a group, heading for the other rooms to get ready for the day. The girls grabbed Sophie from Diego’s grip and hauled her toward the closet to, no doubt, press for details.

Washed up and business taken care of, I met Aaron and Zander downstairs. The three of us planned to do our workouts first thing in the gym, and I was grateful for a morning routine while the rest of the day was a mystery.

“So…” Aaron drawled as he pressed the button on his treadmill. “You’re in a throuple?”

I rolled my eyes. Subtlety was clearly not this man’s forte.

Getting the treadmill to the speed and incline I wanted, I started my run and thought about my answer. “Not exactly a throuple. We both like Sophie, and neither wants to back off and concede to the other.”

“That could get real messy, real quick,” Aaron commented, weighing in on the fledgling relationship I was already quite nervous about. “I had a coworker with two girlfriends. It did not end well. It took weeks to get the smell out of his car’s upholstery.”

“The smell of what?” Zander asked, focusing on the wrong thing.

“Cumin. He hates the spice, won’t cook with it in the kitchen, and hands over dishes to the lower chefs. But the two girlfriends found out about each other, and instead of blasting one another on social media, they put their heads together and got revenge. They made a shit ton of paste by mixing the spice and water or baby oil or some shit, then smeared it all over the inside of his beloved car. And I mean,everywhere.It was in every nook and cranny of the interior. He sneezed for months afterward, but he refused to sell it on principle for some reason.”

Zander doubled over in laughter, wheezing at the vivid image Aaron had just painted for us. “That sounds like something I would have done in high school.”
