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Diego gripped his cock around my hand. “What time is it?”

“Who cares,” Oliver grumbled. That was when I knew we’d worn poor Oliver out last night. He was usually up early like me, and not once did he ever roll over and ask for a few more minutes.

We lazed about in bed, trading soft touches and heated silence, until some others stirred, and a flashlight clicked on from the other side of the room. Someone moved, climbing out of bed and heading toward the bathroom.

“Come on, let’s get moving too. We need to check if the rest of the house is still standing,” Diego said, clicking on one of our flashlights and keeping it aimed toward the ceiling so he didn’t blind any of us. Much appreciated, Diego.

Oliver, Diego, and I got dressed in what we’d worn before climbing into bed, but Aaron was shit out of luck now that he only had his glitter thong.

We clambered out of our bed and onto the chair I’d left beside the privacy wall and walked toward the bathrooms together, shielding the rest of our housemates from Aaron’s sparkly undies.

But not well enough.

“Dude, what is that?” Daniel asked as his flashlight found the full moon and the beams reflected off the sequins.

“Nothing! Go about your business!” Aaron cried, double-timing it to the wardrobes.

Business handled, we wandered downstairs dressed in lounge clothes, knowing we were unlikely to do anything today after the storm.

I meandered into the living room with Aaron to help open the shutters and found Ryan sleeping on the couch. Probably taking advantage of the potential loss of camera feeds for the night and using the opportunity to stretch out on the massive couch.

He didn’t stir until Aaron began lifting the metal protection outside the window with the pulley beside the glass doors.

“Is it morning?” Ryan asked, his voice thick with sleep and a hint of irritation.

“We think so,” I offered. Ryan may have been fucked in the head about our relationship, but that didn’t mean he was a bad guy altogether. He just wasn’t for me and was clinging to something he thought was good. I couldn’t fault him for that. But I could definitely fault him for how he pursued getting back together.

Either way, it was time for cooler heads to prevail. Call it a sexual awakening that had seeped into other areas of my life.

Light streamed in from the gaps connecting the slats of our storm protection, dappling the floor in muted grays.

“Definitely daytime,” Aaron said.

Inch by inch, the shutters went up, and the mess outside became more apparent. Patio furniture was everywhere. In the pool, toppled over and shoved aside like a giant had stormed through and didn’t like the decorator’s choices.

“Fuck me,” Aaron whispered.

The rain was still going, but it looked like the wind had eased. No sound of thunder or flashes of lightning lit the sky. I believed we were through the worst of it.

Gia and Daniel were the next ones down the stairs, and they paused as they entered the living room and got a look at the grounds.

“Dios mio.” Daniel made the sign of the cross and wandered closer to the glass.

“It’s dying down, at least,” Gia said as she joined us at the doors. “What should we do?”

“Clean up,” Ryan grumbled from the couch. “There are only a handful of crew members on the island, right? They’ll probably focus on getting the electricity running and fixing the connections if anything went down during the storm. We can do some yard work to help.”

He stood to his full height, stretched his beefy arms toward the ceiling, and headed upstairs.

Julie crossed his path halfway up, and she gave him an appreciative once-over. He returned her cheeky grin, flexing his arm muscles and making the anchor tattooed on his biceps dance.

She rolled her eyes and continued down the stairs, his eyes following her every movement. From where Ryan stood, he couldn’t see the teasing grin on her face, but I sure could.

“Morning, everyone,” she enthused. “What are the chances of a cuppa on this fine day?”

“The hob works, Jules! It’s gas, not electric!” Oliver called from the kitchen. Okay, so the British word for stove was hob. Noted. “I’ve got the water boiling for coffee and tea, and we’re having eggs with fruit salad for breakfast because the bananas and cantaloupe are going to turn soon.” Better to use the perishables early.

Zander and Viv joined us next, with Nicoletta and Cheryl trailing behind them.

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