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“Are there three of them?”


“And they’re all dating you?”


“And you’re having some form of sex with them?”


“Harem,” Viv declared.

She would get along swimmingly with Es. But then again, they’d team up and use their Sophie powers for evil, and the world probably wouldn’t survive such a pairing.

I laughed. “Fine. You’re right. But I think we’re calling it a poly-thingy.”

“Might want to brush up on your terminology before you tell people that.”

She was absolutely right. Was it polyamory if I was the one holding us all together? I always thought polyam was when there were relationships within a relationship. Like, spread out between various members. I needed Oliver and his brainy brain to sort this out.

“Whatever it is, girl. You look happy. And I don’t mind hearing some sex noises if it means you’re enjoying yourself.”

I hugged Viv, thanking her for her support and for always lending me an ear when I needed it. There had been a moment a couple weeks ago when I thought she might be judging me for not deciding between Oliver and Diego, but it seemed now that we all agreed to go for it, she was fully on board.

She was one in a million, and even if the guys and I didn’t work out, I knew I had made a friend for life.



The next day,with the yard cleaned up and the sun shining, we were out by the pool, acting as if the last forty-eight hours hadn’t happened. Well, the storm, at least. I was constantly daydreaming, replaying everything we’d gotten up to in our bed, in the closet, and once in the shower.

Diego, Oliver, Aaron, and Zander were playing chicken in the water, with Oliver sitting on Diego’s broad shoulders, and Aaron on Zander’s while Daniel and Ryan refereed. The girls and I watched the modern-day arena fighting from the loungers with fruity cocktails in hand.

Viv was beside me as we watched our guys fight to the death. Or, ya know, until one of them fell over.

“It’s not fair, you know,” she commented as she pushed her sunglasses up her nose.

“What’s not fair?”

“That it’s three-on-one.”

“You encouraged me!” I laughed as Cheryl and Nicoletta scoffed from nearby. They were sharing the double-sized lounger next to me and had been shameless in their staring. I mean, I couldn’t blame them. I was staring too. But at least I was dating those guys. That had to remove some of the weird factor, right?

“Oh, would you two take your scoffs and shove them?” Julie reprimanded from the other side of Viv. “If it continues much longer, I’d suggest seeing a doctor.”

Viv stuck out a fist, and Julie bumped it. Gia snickered, and soon Viv and I joined in.

“Look,” I said, turning to the serial scoffers, “I didn’t plan any of this, and I can’t help what’s happening.”

“You don’t need three of them, Sophie.” Cheryl waved an arm at the pool full of men. “Plus, you’ve got Ryan all twisted up, so that’sfourof the six guys here. Do you have a magic pussy or something?”

My jaw dropped. I thought people only said shit like that in books or crappy mean-girl movies.

“Maybe it’s that she isn’t a twatwaffle,” Julie countered. She sat back, letting the insult land. “Besides, Ryan’s been checking me out for days now. Maybe Sophie’s message is sinking in, and he’s moving on. You’re just mad he’s not moving on to you.”

“Great,” Cheryl said, throwing her hands in the air. “Lost another one.”
