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“Not great. Nic knows I’m with Viv.”

Troy turned toward Julie.

“And who would you like to take on your date?”


Troy sighed. “Ah, unfortunately, it has to be a guy.”

She looked between me, Diego, and Aaron and shrugged. “That’s a bit too hetero-normative for this day and age. Can I forfeit the date?”

“Why would you do that?” Troy asked.

She just gave him a look like he was daft. “Because they’re dating Sophie, and girls don’t steal other girl’s guys.”

Nicoletta shifted on her feet and tossed her hair over her shoulder like she didn’t give one single shit about what people thought about her.

“Just pick,” she said. Troy agreed.

“Fine. Sophie? Who should I pick?”

Sophie laughed. “Girl, I don’t know!” She turned toward Troy. “Are we firm that ‘none of them’ isn’t an answer?”

“Very,” he replied dryly.

“Send me, love,” I said in a quiet voice. “At least it will be two friends. You know you’re my girl, and nothing will change that.”

Sophie nodded, wiping some of the blue paint from her cheek. “Oliver, then.”

Troy nodded when Julie confirmed. “A return of the exes! Testing the bonds of new relationships with old temptations. This fearsome foursome is headed to Haiti by helicopter for the night! They’ll be having dinner by candlelight, dancing, and visiting some of the hottest bars and clubs on the island. Then, ending their night in a luxury five-star hotel. Will they stay true to their current paramours? Or will they slip back into old habits? Stay tuned to find out.”



“She’s goingto lure him back; I just know it. We’re not exactly on stable ground. You must’ve seen how she always sways her perfect hips in his direction or thrusts her tits at him when he walks by. They were talking the other day.Talking,” Viv emphasized. “I’m just a fling to him until he realizes they shouldn’t have broken up and that they’re perfect together.”

“It’s going to be fine,” I assured her. We were in the gym, hoping for some privacy so I could be there for her the way she’d been for me when things weren’t so great. While the cameras were ever-present, the one thing wecouldcontrol was who we were around for these types of discussions.

Oliver and Zander had left for their dates with Nicoletta and Julie an hour ago, and while we’d held it together relatively well before they departed, things quickly devolved the longer they were away.

I smoothed a hand over Viv’s shoulder. “Zander broke up with her for a reason. That doesn’t just disappear because she showed up here.”

Viv wailed dramatically. “They broke up because she wasn’t as committed as he was. But now she’s flown or sailed or… I don’t know… fucking scuba-dived all the way over here just for him.”


“Don’t sayOhlike that!” She was losing it quick.

“Give me ten pushups!” I barked like a sergeant. In an agreement we came up with to prevent ourselves from spiraling, we gave each other drills when we lost it.

Viv growled like a tiny chihuahua, but dropped to the floor and did some pushups.

“This was a stupid idea,” she griped.

“Maybe, but at least we’re being productive instead of just stewing in it.”

“How are you feeling?” Viv sat back on the weight bench, straddling it while I lounged on the butterfly machine, doing absolutely nothing.
