Page 78 of F*ck You in My Head

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"No," I said. It was hard to say even that one word. My muscles tensed, and not just around the handle of the knife. I could feel the heat spreading through me and the orgasm swirling through my abdomen, but it still didn't spill over me.

From behind, Lei's hand wrapped around my neck, pulling me up a bit. "No matter how depraved you end up being, Audrey, I will never stop loving all these facets of you. Seeing them, accepting them, giving them what they need. That's my job, and you don't think I'm going to fail at it, do you? You see mine, I see yours. That's the way it works now."

Whether it was his raspy voice right in my ear or the dark promise, it was enough to make the inner block disappear.

"That's not enough," I gasped through the orgasm. "The handle of the knife is not enough. I want your cock inside me. I want it to fill me. Not some inanimate object. Fuck me, and maybe I'll tell you I feel the same way."

Lei pulled the knife out of me with a growl. Much faster than I expected. He slammed it down on the counter next to me, and the next thing I heard was him pulling down his pants. Then I felt him between my legs, pushing against me and spreading my wetness before he entered me with a powerful thrust. It was almost painful as he pressed me against the countertop, but it didn't matter because everything inside me was on fire. I felt pure happiness the longer he stayed inside of me and just let me feel how unbelievably good it was when he was inside of me to the last inch. Hard, warm, pulsating, while I was still so sensitive from my just fading orgasm that everything felt a hundred times more intense.

When he brushed my hair forward over my shoulder instead of moving inside me, I instinctively guessed what part would come next.

"Remember that game you used to play when you were a kid? Where you drew something on someone else's back with your finger and they had to guess what it was?"

Oh. Oh, fuck.

My heart galloped. This time the heat I felt was for a different reason.

"I can feel you tightening around me, do you find the idea exciting?"

Exciting was only one word I could think of.

"Will you let me play with my knife?"

And there it was. The reason that made me want to give him permission. He asked. Lei asked permission, even though we were deep in a dynamic where he had claimed all control over me.

I nodded, knowing full well what was about to be bloody on my shoulder.

"Say it," he demanded.

"Do it, Lei. And then fuck me so good that I forget the pain."

He pulled out of me, only to penetrate me again and remind me how good it felt. Grinning, I enjoyed the sensation even as I felt the tip of the knife digging into my skin.

The first half of it took half an eternity for me to feel everything and the pain became so intense that it brought me to tears. Even then, when he moved inside me again and lust mixed with what I felt.

All the time he was murmuring how proud he was of me for enduring this pain for him. Then came the second half– a quick flick of his wrist, after which he dropped the knife, grabbed my hip and took me properly.

I could feel the blood running down my back.

Lei had kept all his promises. My wetness. My blood. My tears.

A bloody heart on my shoulder, symbolizing more than just his sadistic streak. It was the flesh bond that existed between us. The bond that had formed years ago, but had always remained invisible until the night he cut me out of my wedding dress. It showed what neither of us had spoken until now.

"It's a heart," I gasped. "And of course I love you too, Lei."

His finger slid over the wound, drawing a sharp hiss from me. "I should cover you from head to toe with hearts, but I like it better when only I know it's there."

Because it was his.

His alone from the beginning.
