Page 11 of Breeding the Nanny

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“Are you getting in or what?” All at once, he jumps into the sparkling, inviting water. I’m still laughing when he surfaces, throwing his head back to fling wet hair out of his eyes. “What are you waiting for? It feels fucking awesome in here.”

I jump in with him, and I sigh happily as I let the water support me, floating on my back. He’s right. It does feel awesome. For the first time in much too long, I can let go of everything that’s been holding me down, making me feel heavy.

That is until Keaton swims underneath me and grabs me by my ankle, pulling me under. I’m sputtering and furious when I surface again. “You jerk!” I don’t even care if he’s my boss’s brother. “Are you trying to drown me?”

“Sorry, sorry. But don’t worry. I would have rescued you.”

The problem is, I get the feeling it’s him I need rescuing from, especially when he starts swimming toward me. I paddle backward, but it’s half-hearted, mostly for show. I’m a little too intrigued by the idea of what might happen if he catches me to actually try to get away.

When I reach the wall, there’s nowhere to go. He cages me in with his arms, then leans in close. “Ever made out with a cop?”

“Not recently.”

“Do you want to?” The way he’s brushing his lips over my cheek, it feels inevitable. And I want it, I do. Every part of me responds to him until there is nothing to do but give in and meet his kiss. He tastes like sweetness and danger and the promise of so much more. Dark pleasure way beyond anything I’ve ever experienced until now—because this is a man, not a boy. A man who kisses me slowly, deeply, until I melt against him and whimper helplessly into his mouth.

“What are you doing? Goddamnit!”

Keaton breaks the kiss but doesn’t back away from me as he smiles at his brother. “We decided to cool off.”

Nathan storms across the patio. His fists swing at his sides. “Yeah, it really looks like you are cool in there.”

“Would you relax? Why does everything have to be such a big deal?”

“Guys, guys.” I blow out a whistle that shuts them up. “There’s a very simple way through this.”

“Oh? What’s that?” Nathan doesn’t look angry with me, but I can tell he’s feeling disappointed. Maybe even neglected.

Which is why I offer, “Why don’t you join us?”

“It doesn’t look like there’s a lot of room in there.” He waves a hand at us. “I wouldn’t want to interrupt anything.”

“Jump in.” Because why not? They both look terribly surprised, but I don’t see why. They are the ones who already told me they both like me. Is it still wrong for me to like both of them?

Nathan slowly strips down to his shorts before joining us in the water. I can sense his apprehension, so I reach for him, then wrap an arm around his shoulders once he’s close enough.

“It’s okay,” I whisper, wrapping my other arm around his neck until our bodies touch. This feels good. More than that, it feels right, and I know it shouldn’t. There is something happening here. Something big. But not so big that it scares me—no, what scares me more is the idea of either of them walking away and deciding they don’t want any part of this.

As soon as I touch my lips to Nathan’s, he lets out a growl and pulls me closer, almost crushing me against him as his tongue invades my mouth. But I welcome him. I welcome all of him, finally letting myself take what I’ve wanted for days.

When he comes up for air, he looks a little dazed and overwhelmed, but he doesn’t try to stop me when I turn my head to kiss Keaton again. We take it slow, the three of us exploring something new together. By the time Lilly’s cries ring out from the monitor, they’re both rock hard, and I’m hot and wet and absolutely aching for more.

But Lilly takes priority. I get out of the water first and head inside, wrapped in a towel. I’m dried off and changing Lilly’s diaper when the guys return and start getting dressed. None of us say a word about what just happened, but that doesn’t mean anybody can forget it. In fact, the mood around the house is totally different by the time they start cooking dinner together. I’m happy to sit back and watch while playing with Lilly, and the energy in the kitchen is enough to make emotion swell in my chest.

Am I wrong for looking around and thinking this is exactly the life I want? All of us together, laughing and joking, sharing a meal. Sharing our lives. I’m happy—it’s completely unfathomable and definitely unusual, but I’m happy.

I came here for a job but might have found a home.



This has been a perfect evening. I don’t usually use words like that, but it’s the only one that fits. We finish cleaning up while Claire puts Lilly to bed. When she returns to the living room, Nathan and I are just settling in. I could go home, but it feels better to be here. He hasn’t asked me to leave, either.

And we haven’t discussed what happened out in the pool. I don’t know if that means he’s cool with it or what. He would’ve said something if he wasn’t, I guess, but sometimes there’s no telling with him. Right now, he seems relaxed and happy enough, so I’ll take that as a good sign.

Claire stands before us, tucking her hands into the pockets of her skimpy cut-offs. I wonder how she’s feeling.

Nathan beats me to it. “Everything okay?” he asks.
