Page 20 of Breeding the Nanny

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The other one is somebody I didn’t think I’d ever see again, and definitely the last person I ever expected to run into today.

Immediately, my blood runs cold at the sight of Drake—my ex. I’m almost too stunned to put two and two together when he sits down next to Monica. When he takes her hand, and she gives him a smile, it finally hits me. What are the chances of them finding each other?

“Are you okay?” Keaton asks while bouncing Lilly on his knee. Monica won’t even look at her. She’s doing more than ending her marriage today, but you would never know it from the way she sits there and has a whispered conversation with my ex-boyfriend. I told myself these past few weeks that deep down inside, she had to know what she was missing out on. That somehow, it had to hurt, knowing someone else was taking care of her child.

Now, I understand. She really doesn’t care. Some people are built that way, I guess.

Nathan’s lawyer clears his throat. “As we all know, we’re signing the final divorce paperwork, along with the paperwork in which my client’s ex-wife will surrender her parental rights. Miss Claire Williams will formally adopt the child at that point.”

My own. My own little girl. I swear, I still feel like I should pinch myself—I won’t because I wouldn’t want to wake up from this incredible dream. I had no idea the day I first showed up on Nathan’s doorstep that I would end up with a family. The family I’ve always dreamed of.

I glance across the table at Drake, and it’s clear he’s surprised by this. I’m sure he knew Monica would be signing over her rights today, but he didn’t know I was the girl who would be adopting Lilly. I raise an eyebrow, silently challenging him to say something, anything. But he knows what he did, and I doubt he wants to force me to announce it in front of his new girlfriend. Nathan is granting Monica a generous settlement, even if she doesn’t deserve it.It’s worth it to get her out of my life,he had said, and I see his point. Drake wouldn’t want to miss out on any of that settlement money, would he?

I have to lean in close and kiss Lilly’s downy cheek to hide my satisfied grin. The two of them are meant for each other.

“Are you ready for this?” Nathan murmurs as his lawyer sets out the papers for all of us to sign—Nathan, Monica, and me.

Am I ready for it? “I’ve been ready for this all my life,” I whisper back, and the way he beams tells me it was the right thing to say.

“No offense, but can we get this over with? We have a lunch reservation.” No doubt Monica can’t wait to start spending her money. I have to wonder how long it will take for her to go through all of it. If Drake doesn’t take it all. What a miserable person.

“I assure you, we can get through this quickly.” The lawyers have a brief conversation while we wait, and when Lilly reaches for me, I’m happy to take her off her uncle’s hands. My daughter. She’s going to be mine. She already feels that way in spirit, but having legal documentation will certainly be a thrill. I feel Drake watching me, but I pay him no attention. To think, I imagined us being serious about each other. I imagined us having a child of our own. I should thank him for ruining my life since he also gave me my life in the process. He set me on this path.

We all sit up straighter when Monica’s lawyer clears his throat. “Everything looks to be in order.” Monica goes first, flipping through the pages and signing everywhere there’s a tab instructing her to do so. She gets through the divorce papers first, then signs away her parental rights like she’s signing the check at a restaurant. I should thank her, too. She’s giving me a gift even if she doesn’t know it.

“I would say it’s been fun…” She rolls her heavily made-up eyes before shoving the papers across the table so Nathan and I can sign our respective documents.

This is it. With Lilly on my knee, I pick up the pen and sign my name where indicated. Tears well up in my eyes, and I fight hard to blink them back. It wouldn’t feel right, crying in front of those two. They could never understand how I feel. I’m finally getting everything I ever dreamed of.

When it’s all over, I don’t feel any different. Not that I expected to. After all, Lilly’s been mine in my heart since the first time I looked into her wise, dark eyes.

“That’s it.” Nathan wraps his arms around both of us. The emotion in his voice obvious. “It’s over.”

I grin at Keaton and kiss the top of my daughter’s head before replying, “No. It’s just beginning.”



Five years later…

Ahurricane comes tearing past, wearing a pink dress and white Mary Jane shoes. “Mama! Open this for me?”

Claire offers Lilly a warm smile before holding out her hand. “That is enough with the candy after this, young lady. You’re going to give yourself a stomachache.”

“Stomachache!” Tommy pulls up his shirt and points. “Stomachache!”

“You have the general idea…” Claire sits on the blanket Keaton spread out under a tree near where the kids just finished hunting for Easter eggs. “You’re good at anatomy for a three-year-old.”

“Mama, come run with us!” Lilly urges after sharing half of her candy with her little brother. That’s Claire’s influence, no doubt. She has raised a sweet, loving, smart little girl who can’t wait to be a big sister again.

“How about I watch from over here?” Claire suggests. “I’m awfully tired.”

“Come on.” Keaton springs to his feet and stretches like he’s preparing himself. The kids squeal and take off with him on their heels.

It’s a gorgeous spring day, the sort of day that promises new life. Like the life currently growing in Claire’s belly. “You feeling well?” I ask.

“Perfect. It’s a perfect day.” I have to agree.
