Page 52 of Burn

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“And I still don’t. You don’t think I have the willpower to stop kissing you?”

His thumb tenderly brushes my cheek. It’s all I can do not to fling myself on top of him and rub against him like a cat in heat.

“I don’t know if I have the willpower.”

He chuckles softly and leans in, brushing his lips over mine. For a second I freeze, because it dawns on me that this is really happening. That my first love is kissing me. That it feels just as amazing; no, better, than before. Then I come to my senses and close my eyes, kissing him back, softly at first, mostly with a closed mouth and definitely no tongue.

For a moment I forget that we’d ever broken up, that I let him go despite all my instincts, and I’m kissing him back. That I’m letting him sink his lips on mine feels so right and so wrong at the same time, but I don’t give a damn about the wrong.

He presses his hand against the small of my back and I arch against it, basking in the sensation of his body against mine. This is a dangerous line to cross, but I’m losing myself in this kiss.

The world around me melts away into a blissful haze where there is no team, no media, no race in a few hours.

But deep down, I know this is risky for so many reasons.

I shiver pleasurably when his hand cups my jaw and draws me closer. It’s the kind of kiss that would make me so weak in the knees that I wouldn’t be able to stand, so it’s good that I’m horizontal. Or maybe it’s bad, because I can feel his erection poking into my leg, and that makes me want him even more.

“Max, we shouldn’t—”

“I know. I’ll stop. One more kiss. Please?” he whispers against my lips, planting another gentle kiss on my lips. The kiss is so delicious, so intoxicating that I can’t help but let out a soft moan, like a purr. It’s a solid minute time before I realize I’m the one making that noise.

Right then, there’s a loud knock at the door and we both freeze, our lips fused together. My eyes open, and so do his. We ease apart a few inches and I turn my head.

“Yes?” I call.

“It’s Lucas!”

Oh shit, I mouth to Max, who squints at me.

“What are we going to do?” I hiss.

“We have to open the door.” He flops onto his back as the alarm on his phone comes alive with an annoying ringtone. It’s an air horn set to electronic dance music. I glance over, horrified, and he twists to shut it off.

“Okay, hang on,” I holler, crawling over Max to get out of the bed, nearly falling on the floor.

I shut the door of the bedroom on my way into the living area of the suite, then fling the door open. Lucas is standing there with a stony face. Oh god, he knows.

“It’s time for Max’s breakfast. I’ve been trying”—he points with his pen—“to deliver his breakfast but he’s not answering the door, probably because he’s not in his room. Should I have it brought here?”

“Why would you assume he’s here?”

“Cut the shit, Lily.” He sighs, and I wonder what his problem is. Lucas and I have always gotten along, and even the other day in the cafeteria we had a nice chat about video games.

I run my tongue over my teeth, suddenly self-conscious that I kissed Max without brushing. “Yes, bring it in here,” I say firmly, while standing aside to allow him to wheel the cart holding the food inside.

Once he’s in, I shut the door.

“Max, I have your breakfast.” Lucas’s voice is frosty.

I stand awkwardly by the sofa as Max pads out in sweatpants and a hoodie.

“Guten Morgen,” Max says, yawning. “Thanks for bringing this.”

Lucas lifts the stainless steel lid off a bowl, revealing something that resembles scrambled eggs and home-fried potatoes.

“I thought he was on a plant-based diet,” I say to Lucas, trying to diffuse the awkwardness.

“Tofu,” he says curtly.
