Page 14 of Second Shot

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“Think about something that makes you happy,” I suggested, snapping a few more shots as the atmosphere in the room shifted.

A pensive look crossed his face, and for a moment, he seemed to forget the camera. His gaze turned distant, almost wistful, and I wondered what memory captured his attention.

I wondered if he was thinking about us.

Motivated by the change, I moved around him, capturing different angles. “How about a smile, Ryker? For me?” I wheedled, hoping to maintain the lighter mood.

He chuckled, a sexy, rumbling sound that filled the room––and me––with warmth. “You’re not going to make this easy, are you, Daniels?”

“Never,” I replied with a wink. “Easy is boring.”

As he relaxed, his natural charm began to seep through the cracks of his stern business persona. The more at ease Ryker became, the more his playful side emerged, replacing the aloof businessman with someone more genuine, more engaging.

We fell into an easy flow, the camera clicking away as if in rhythm with our banter. The initial awkwardness that lingered between us when he first walked in rapidly faded, replaced by a sense of familiarity and ease.

“Look at that, the elusive Ryker West, more than just a pretty face and corporate titan," I quipped, my eyes scanning the latest batch of photos with a sense of satisfaction.

They were good.

No, they weregreat.

There was a spark in his eyes, a hint of the real Ryker peeking through. The one I used to know.

He laughed, the sound rich and unguarded. “And you, Meg Daniels, are full of surprises.”

I couldn’t help but smile as I continued perusing the photos. They were exactly what I wanted. These photos would show the world a different side of Ryker West, and I was proud to be the one capturing it.

"So tell me again your vision for these event shots,” I said later, zooming in for a close up of those striking gray eyes of his. "I know we’ve gone back and forth on this already, but I want to be sure I nail down the right vibe.”

As Ryker enthusiastically shared his aesthetic goals with me again, I caught enticing glimpses of his artistic eye. We quickly slipped into an animated discussion about aesthetics and shot composition. He even suggested some artsy ideas I wouldn't have expected from a stoic business mogul.

Truly, the man had hidden depths.

"We make a pretty killer duo behind the lens, don't we?" I tossed over my shoulder, offering Ryker a playful grin through the viewfinder.

Ryker's lips curved in that maddeningly sexy half-smirk of his. "Absolutely. Your camera wizardry is something else,” he rumbled, his voice a deep, husky caress that sent a thrill zapping me in all the best places. There was a spark in his eyes, a mix of admiration and something more primal.

A warm flush spread across my cheeks at his words. Our banter flowed more freely now, peppered with laughter and teasing. This new Ryker I was discovering was a heady mix of the carefree charmer from my past and the dominating billionaire CEO he'd grown into.

God help me, I was drawn like a moth to flame to both sides of this complex man, each pulling me in opposite yet equally compelling directions.

Later, mostly because he asked, I found myself sharing some of my more personal fine art pieces with him. Landscapes that whispered secrets, candid portraits that screamed stories, abstracts that only hinted at their truth. He studied each one intently, his gaze warming in a way that made my heart do a double take.

"These pieces are stunning, Meg. There's a rawness here... You don't just capture scenes, you capture souls," he observed, his voice low and appreciative.

My smile grew, touched and a little disarmed. "Thanks, Ryker. I didn’t peg you for an art critic, but I’m impressed. It means a lot coming from you.”

The hours flew by until I finally, reluctantly, called a wrap on the shoot. Neither of us made an immediate move to leave.

Ryker's voice was softer now, a tender note beneath the usual gruffness. "This was... more than I expected. Thank you.”

The studio air grew charged between us, lifting the tiny hairs along my arms. After a weighted pause, I rushed to fill it. “You’re welcome. I’ll have some killer shots for you to review soon. You'll be blown away."

He nodded, his intense eyes locked on mine.

“Dinner? To go over these?" Ryker's voice was straightforward, but his stormy gray eyes belied the calmness of his tone. "I'm eager to get your take on them."

The invitation caught me off guard.
