Page 21 of Second Shot

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"Daisies, how lovely." Meg buried her nose in them, a sexy grin spreading across her face. "Got a hot date tonight or something?”

I shrugged, aiming for nonchalance even as my pulse kicked into overdrive. This woman had no clue the kind of hold she had on me.

Slanting her a heated look, I murmured, "Something like that."

"Hmm, lucky girl." Her eyes danced with amusement as she turned back inside her apartment to arrange the flowers in a vase.

I glanced around at the interior, noting the eclectic style and hodgepodge of colors that made the small place come alive. It was such a Meg vibe, I couldn’t help but smile.

It was like her, easy and playful.

That same manner is what made my sudden foray into “dating” seem not so daunting. With Meg, everything felt simple, natural. She had this way of relaxing me, even when I was a seething mass of nerves and need.

Outside, I opened the passenger door of Penelope. As Meg sank into the seat, she shot me a teasing wink, "What a gentleman." She patted the arm rest. “Penelope approves, too.”

I loped around the car and slid in behind the wheel. Though my neck heated, a smile ghosted my lips as I slid her a glance. “I can still bust out the chivalry now and then."

"Mmm, I can see that. I like it." She slanted an arch look my way. "Though I happen to appreciate surly, broody Ryker too. He’s kind of grown on me.”

Her flirtatious banter relaxed me as we drove the short distance to Seashell Cove’s town square, windows cracked to enjoy the briny night air. But my nerves returned as we arrived at the bustling Christmas bazaar.

I hadn’t attended one of these since my kids were young.

I hesitated before offering Meg my arm. She slipped her hand into the crook of my elbow, giving a light, surprised squeeze.

At the skating rink, I laced up my rented skates with military precision, though my first steps on the synthetic ice were shaky. What could I say, I was a surfer, not a skater.

Meg, however, glided around gracefully, her silky ponytail swinging.

"Steady there, Bambi." She grasped my hands, pulling me along. I wobbled for a bit, but soon found my stride.

Like riding a bike, West.

A smile of satisfaction curved my lips. We skated in a small circle, still linked together.

“Think you can keep up, Daniels?" I gripped her fingers, moving smoothly forward.

Her laughter filled the night. "Just try and catch me!”

She released my hand and took off, weaving through the crowd like a professional figure skater. Grinning, I pursued her, catching glimpses of her dark hair and the trail of her scarf. I finally caught her wrist, spinning her against me. Our mingled breaths came out in frosted puffs, our noses inches apart.

"Gotcha," I rumbled. She looked up, her lips parting, her eyes dipping to my mouth. I leaned in...

And a wayward skater nearly crashed into us, breaking the moment. Meg squealed, gripping my shoulders for balance and I held her close, keeping us from both falling on our asses.

Laughing the near disaster off, we resumed skating at a more leisurely pace, hand in hand. I marveled at her easy grace, at the way she made everything look effortless, and kept a wary eye on the crowd around us, protecting her from any other potential collisions.

Back at the market, I bought Meg a personalized ornament. She turned it in the lights, clearly touched, before tucking it carefully into her coat pocket. "It's perfect, Ryker. Thank you."

Arm in arm, we strolled, sipping hot cocoa we bought from a nearby vendor. Meg snuggled against my side, fitting perfectly against me in the chill night air.

It felt so natural… right in a way nothing had in a long time.

Soon it was time for the tree lighting. As the mayor counted down, the towering evergreen in the middle of the square lit up. Meg stared at it, her eyes shining with wonder and the magic of Christmas. I stared at her.

Damn. So beautiful.

Noticing we stood near a vendor selling mistletoe, I couldn’t resist; I cupped her chilled cheek and drew her into a heated kiss. Her lips were velvet soft and the holiday bazaar and bustle around us faded away.
