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“Hey! I never agreed to—”

But he’d already reached overhead for the harness and clicked it into place, trapping me on top of him.

“This wasn’t part of the deal.” I was miffed. “In fact, therewasno deal. You weren’t even supposed to come along. Don’t think I don’t know you only came to fuck with me. You have no reason to go to the mothership.”

Kan’n made an angry snarl. “I do not want to fuck you.”

“What? Oh my god, that’s not what I said. Fuckwithmeans to mess with, to bother…toannoy.Believe me, I don’t want to fuck your grumpy ass either.” Okay, so maybe that was a bit of a lie. It was hard to ignore all that lean purple muscle. I mean, hate-fucking was a thing, right?

I released the harness and tried to scramble off his lap. It was difficult since my feet didn’t reach the floor. “Let me go!”


I struggled some more, frustrated to think that my first visit to a mothership might be ruined by the Loose Cannon. There was a snarl, and suddenly his claws—just the tips, they were still mostly retracted—dug into my thighs. I yelped.

“Do not move.” The words were barely distinguishable from the snarl he’d just made.

Screw that. He wasn’t the boss of me! I tried to shove myself off his lap again.

It was the hard bar pressing insistently against the back of my legs that finally made me pause.Oh. That was why he said not to move.

Suddenly, I was overwhelmed by the lust that had insidiously snuck in between us. I was hyper-aware of the muscular chestthat was my headrest and the equally powerful thighs that were my seat. He’d filled out a lot over the last few weeks, and now he was nearly as large as the other hunters.

It had been easy to ignore my attraction to him when he was mouthing off and blaming me for his shuttle’s strange behavior, but right now, that was an impossible task. Kan’n might be an ass…and he was…but he was the galaxy’s sexiest ass.

Seriously, I should just fuck him now. Scratch the itch and be done with it, so I could think properly. I pressed my legs together at the unwelcome idea. Kan’n leaned in ever so slightly and inhaled.

The shuttle was eerily quiet, save for the sound of our breathing. Suddenly, a thunderous rumble erupted from his chest, rattling us both. The cock under my butt moved and twitched, as if it thought itself strong enough to lift me right off his thighs. For a moment, I thought it, too.

I’d spent enough time around Xarc’n warriors to know they had an impeccable sense of smell. This was his reaction to my aroused state. He knew he turned me on. And now I knew I had an effect on him, too, no matter how strenuously he claimed the opposite.

That purring, while very calming for me, meant his body knew we were compatible. And while it didn’t automatically follow that I was his mate, itdidmean that there was a risk that if he were to put his arms around me, he might trigger the mate bond. Kan’n was playing with fire.

His closeness made me shiver, and I felt almost feverish as my body vibrated with anticipation of…what, exactly? Surely he wasn’t going to—

Controlled by nothing but instinct,I twisted my body and tilted my head as his lips crashed down onto mine.

Okay, so he did know what a kiss was.

His hands roamed over my body, one possessively squeezing my ass, the other splayed on my back, supporting me. He was tentative at first but grew bolder when I didn’t pull away and rather leaned into him and the kiss. How could I pull away when it felt so good? I arched into him, surrendering to the tongue that invaded my mouth.

I let out a soft moan and pressed my legs together as pure, fiery need shot down between my legs. The sensation spread through every nerve and made my entire body tingle.

He made a sound, something uncontrolled and animalistic and primal, as his lips and tongue explored my mouth. His masculine flavor filled my senses, sparking little flames that rushed through my blood. The flames caught and burned, stealing and consuming every bit of oxygen until I was suffocating and ravenous and kissing him back as if I’d die if I didn’t.

An alert blaring from his shuttle broke the moment. I gasped and shoved away from him, but it was only an incoming call from Pip, who was currently magnetized to the back of the shuttle in front of us, at least the sentient part of him was. Another section of him was strapped down inside the external cargo compartment of the ship, and the final piece was in the cargo hold.

Holy hell! Was the previous hunter who’d used this thing deaf? The alert was loud enough to wake the dead.

“Can I get off you now?” I asked as Kan’n adjusted the volume down. “Your lap, I mean. Get off your lap.”

I didn’t want any misunderstandings. His in-ear translator often took things literally and often missed subtle nuances of the English language.

“No.” His voice was much softer now as he pulled the harness back down over the two of us. “You could get hurt when we exit Earth’s atmosphere. You’ll float around without a harness.”

Oh. He was worried about me. That was kind of sweet.

Then his haughty tone was back, and he continued, “And you’ll get in my way. Again.”
