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When Kan’n returned again, it was with everything we needed to start a fire, including a few boxes of matches I’d overlooked. Some had been water damaged, but they were dry now and worked fine. Before long, we had a tiny fire going at a safe distance from our gym mats and were ripping down the velvet curtains on the stage to use as blankets.

Unfortunately, I started coughing and wheezing when the fire started emitting dark smoke. I limped out into the hallway for some fresh air as Kan’n put out the fire, smothering it with the contents of a bag of road sand he’d found in the storage room.He picked up a giant sheet of metal and fanned the smoke until it dissipated.

By the time I was able to sit back down on the mat without my lungs exploding, I was freezing again. So much for that idea.

When Kan’n started pulling out the indoor playground equipment from underneath the stage and setting up the monkey bars around our mats, I was utterly confused.

“What are you doing?”

He didn’t reply, though why was I surprised? It was typical Kan’n behavior. When he tossed the velvet curtains we had torn down over the bars, I finally realized what he was doing. He was making a blanket fort! Of course, it was the world’s most over-engineered blanket fort ever, but the concept still applied.

The heavy velvet should help regulate the temperatures inside, especially once he got in as well. He was still warm despite the bitter cold.

He stepped into the fort, and suddenly, he was all I could see and smell. His presence filled my senses, and I was almost afraid to breathe, lest my body reacted the same way it had every single time he’d touched me.

I squished over to the edge of the mat to give him room to sit, but despite all the free space, he decided to plop himself down right next to me, so close that we were touching. His heat seeped into me where our thighs touched, and it was everything I could do not to throw myself at him and steal all the body heat I could.

“I will warm you.” His words chased a frisson of anticipation down my spine. “Give me your foot,” Kan’n demanded. He grabbed it before I could protest.

“My ankle’s fine,” I lied. Kan’n already thought humans were weak, and I wasn’t going to perpetuate that belief.

I was completely unprepared when he hauled me into his lap.

Chapter 14: Kan’n

Sam was cold and injured. She hadn’t once complained, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t aware of her discomfort. In fact, I was extremely aware of it, to the point where it was the only thing I could think about.

Thinking about her and attending to her needs was a lot easier than thinking about what had happened to the mothership. There wasn’t anything I could do about that; I was completely powerless. But Icoulddo plenty about Sam’s condition.

“Give me your foot.” I doubted she would listen to me, but now no one could say I hadn’t asked nicely.

“My ankle’s fine.”

I could smell the lie. Her ankle wasn’t fine at all, but of course, I hadn’t expected anything else from her. She could fight me all she wanted and tell meNoat every turn, but she couldn’t stop me. I was bigger, and there were no other humans or hunters around now to take her side.

I grabbed her and maneuvered her onto my lap. Before she could fight back, I pulled off the much-too-loose boot that offered no support for her injured ankle.

“Hey! Stop that.” She fought me, just as I knew she would.

While I’d been searching for the fuel required for the fire to keep her warm—a failed endeavor, since her human lungs were too weak to filter the smoke—I’d decided that it was futile to fight the overwhelming need to protect her throughout this ordeal. It gave me something to do so I’d stop fixating on the mothership. The closeness was pleasant too.

She was the perfect diversion. I bet if the world was imploding, she’d still be able to distract me.

Grinning, because I was so much stronger and this was kind of fun, I flipped her over so that she was belly down across my lap and landed two loud smacks on her bottom. For my species, this was part of foreplay, as were things like chasing and biting.

Xarc’n mating rituals weren’t something hunters needed to know about since we weren’t meant to join normal Xarc’n society, so it wasn’t part of our education, but the information was accessible in the archives. Pip had gone through it when we were new on Earth to find the differences between human and Xarc’n mating rituals.

It had turned out that human mating rituals were extremely varied, and some even overlapped our own. But it really depended on who you asked, and at the time I read it I hadn’t met Sam, or any female for that matter, yet. I’d try a little of everything and see how she reacted.

Chasing was a bad idea with her hurt ankle, and I didn’t think her thin skin would do well with the biting, so I elected to tap her pleasingly round bottom lightly. Maybe she could use her dull little teeth on me.

She shrieked indignantly and struggled, writhing against me and awaking the need inside me that was always so close to the surface when she was around.

“Stay still.” I grabbed her firm, full ass and squeezed. It wasn’t my words that had her stopping, but my cock, which had thickened under her body as a substantial amount of blood rushed down to it. It made it difficult for me to think about anything except what it would feel like to have her writhing on top of it.

“Listen, Kan’n, just because we’re snowed in together doesn’t mean you’re going to get laid.”

I knew whatget laidmeant. I had spent enough time listening to the humans at the camp to pick up some of their slang.
