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“Where are you, Sam? We’ve been looking for you everywhere.”

“I’m sorry I scared everyone, but I’m safe. I’m hiding in that Hummer.”

“I heard what happened from Pip. Kan’n’s such an asshat. I was wondering if maybe you’d like to get out of the camp for a while? If I were you, I wouldn’t want to be here when he wakes up again. Just so you know, he attacked Mo when he walked in, and they had to tranq his ass. So it’s not just you he’s gone back to hating, if that makes you feel any better.”

“It doesn’t,” I said honestly. “But I’d like to get out of the camp. Thanks.”

“Great. Grab your gear and come out to our shuttle. We can do some ‘shopping’. I thought we could hit that factory we never got to and see what goodies they have.”

Aanya knew me so well. She knew I couldn’t resist going on a foraging trip to look for all the goodies I needed for my various projects.

I dreaded going back into Kan’n’s shuttle, but it had to be done. “Crap. All my personal shit is still inside Pip.”

“I’ll help you move everything out.”

“Thanks, Aanya. You’re the best.”

“That’s what friends are for.”

Chapter 26: Kan’n

I woke up in bed with my arms and legs restrained, and Harb’k glaring at me from the corner with his arms crossed over his chest.

“Well, looky here,” Pip said from the laptop on the table. “The butthole is awake.”

“Nice to see you’re alive too, Pip.” I turned to glare at the other hunter.

“What’s the meaning of all this?” I strained against the ties. I could free myself if I wanted to, though it would take some time considering they’d used metal chains.

“You’re lucky Mo is used to dealing with injured hunters and knew you weren’t yourself. He kept the fact that you’d attacked him quiet and blamed his brand-new black eye on a training accident. He didn’t want everyone calling for your exile before we fully understood the situation. The ones who were here and saw it happen know, but that’s all. You owe him big time.”

“I attacked Mo?” I didn’t remember any of it.

“Yeah. You kept insisting that humans were the enemy. We had to shoot you with sleeping darts. We tied you down in case you were still violent when you woke.”

I shook my head, trying to remember what had happened the last time I was awake but recalling nothing. I should apologize immediately. I had agreed to work with the humans here, not attack them. I was glad Mo hadn’t asked for my expulsion from the group. It would have made things difficult with Sam.

“Where’s Sam? I want to see her.”

“You don’t rememberanythingthat happened the last time you were awake?”

“No. I don’t.” Was that why Sam wasn’t here? Because she was upset I’d attacked one of her people when I’d promised not to?

There was a knock at the door before the human leader of the group stepped in, his eye still swollen. I wondered why he didn’t use one of the healing units on it until I saw that I had several strapped to my body.

“I apologize for my actions. I was not in my right head and didn’t recognize you.”

He waved his hand casually. “Apology accepted. It happens. I’ve been around enough injured hunters to know. At least you remembered what humans were.”

“Is Terrance well? Was anyone else hurt?”

“He’s kicking. A few extra holes, but he’ll live. He’s in the room across the hall. And no one else was injured. Tell me that all those fuckers are dead.”

“They are no more. They will not bother you any longer.”

“Good. They’ve been hounding us since we arrived. You saved us a lot of trouble, hunter.”

I grunted. “This is my hunter group now.”
