Page 30 of The Crown's Choice

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James looked up, his eyes red-rimmed but grateful for the distraction. “Yeah, let’s do that.”

As they walked, James’s thoughts wandered to the weight of his responsibilities and his fears of not being able to protect Theron and the ones he loved. He sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping under the invisible burden.

“James, what’s wrong?” Amanda asked, concern written across her face.

“Nothing,” he lied, forcing a smile. “Just tired, that’s all.”

“Are you sure?” she pressed, searching his eyes for the truth. “You know you can talk to me about anything.”

“Trust me,” James replied, his voice straining to sound light-hearted. “I’m fine.”

Amanda hesitated but decided not to push further. She knew that he was wrestling with his limitations and fears, yet she couldn’t bring herself to add her own concerns about Marquis Christopher to the mix. Instead, she offered a comforting smile and wrapped her arm around him.

“All right,” she conceded, her voice warm and reassuring. “Just remember, I’m always here for you, no matter what.”

“Thank you, Amanda,” James said softly, grateful for her unwavering support. “That means more to me than you’ll ever know.”

As they continued their walk, Amanda’s secret weighed heavily on her heart, but she remained steadfast in her decision to wait for the right time to tell James. For now, all she could do was offer her love and encouragement as he faced the challenges that lay ahead. And together, they would find a way to navigate the uncertain waters of their future.

Chapter Thirteen

Marquis Christopher stood in the dimly lit room, his cold eyes fixated on a photograph of Amanda, the woman who had inadvertently become the obstacle to his grand scheme. He traced the outline of her face with a gloved finger, allowing himself a sinister smile as he envisioned his plan unfolding. “To leave James unfit to rule,” he murmured, “Amanda must be removed from the equation.”

“Are you sure about this?” asked his accomplice, Thomas, a man loyal only to the highest bidder. “There’s no turning back once it’s done.”

“Of course, I’m sure,” Christopher replied, his voice dripping with confidence. “This will put me in the perfect position to seize power. James won’t know what hit him.” He chuckled darkly, stashing the photograph in his pocket.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, James found himself unable to shake the growing unease that clouded his thoughts. As he paced the hallway outside the waiting room, he couldn’t help but feel that something was amiss. His suspicions toward Christopher had been festering for some time, but he had never imagined they would lead to such dire consequences.

“James,” Amanda called out gently, stepping into the hallway, concern etched on her face. “You’ve been pacing for hours. What’s bothering you?”

He hesitated, struggling to find the right words. “I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I have this gut feeling that we’re in danger, especially you, Amanda.”

“Me? Why would I be in danger?” she asked. “I’m a nobody.”

“Christopher,” he muttered, almost too low for her to hear. “I think he’s up to something. And I don’t trust him when it comes to you.”

“James, you’re being paranoid,” Amanda chided, her tone light-hearted despite the gravity of the situation. “Christopher may be a bit sketchy, but I’m sure he wouldn’t harm me.”

“Still, I want you to promise me something,” James said, his eyes filled with concern. “Promise me that you’ll stay vigilant and keep an eye out for any signs of danger.”

“All right, all right,” Amanda conceded, amused by his sudden protectiveness. “I promise. Now can we please go back inside? Your father needs our support more than ever.”

“Thank you,” James whispered.

Amanda nervously rubbed her palms together as she glanced around the sterile hospital waiting room. The rhythmic beeping of medical equipment and hushed conversations of other families served as an eerie soundtrack to their anxious vigil. She knew she had to tell James about her encounter with Christopher, but the timing couldn’t be worse.

“James?” she began tentatively, her voice barely above a whisper.

His eyes, previously fixated on a spot on the floor, flicked up to meet hers. “Yes?”

“Remember how you said you didn’t trust Christopher? Well, there’s something I need to tell you.” Amanda hesitated, biting her lip. “He approached me the morning of your father’s heart attack, saying some...disturbing things.”

“Like what?” James demanded, his brow furrowing.

“Mainly just some veiled threats about my reputation. I don’t care, but the people of Theron might believe him, which could lead to disaster for you.”

“Thank you for telling me,” James interrupted softly, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. “It confirms my suspicions. We’ll deal with him later; right now, our focus needs to be on my father.”
