Page 47 of The Crown's Choice

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“Is there anything we can do?” she asked, her voice filled with determination.

“Right now, we need to focus on reassuring our people and restoring peace to the kingdom,” James replied, taking her hand in his.

With that, they turned from the scene below and readied themselves for the day ahead, knowing full well that the road before them would be fraught with obstacles.

As the days went by, James found himself increasingly consumed by the affairs of state, spending long hours in council meetings and strategizing with his father, King Albert. Amanda, meanwhile, did her best to support him and find her own place within the royal family. She attended charity events, lent a listening ear to the concerns of the people, and did her best to smile and wave when it was called for.

But as much as she tried to immerse herself in her new role, there were moments when Amanda couldn’t help but feel a pang of loneliness. She missed the easy camaraderie she shared with James before their marriage, the laughter and light-hearted banter that seemed to have been replaced by the weight of their newfound responsibilities.

“Your Majesty?” a voice called, pulling Amanda from her thoughts. She turned to see a palace servant standing nervously in the doorway, wringing her hands.

“Please, call me Amanda,” she replied with a gentle smile. “What can I do for you?”

“His Majesty, King Albert, requests your presence in the council room. The king and Prince James are discussing the current situation in the kingdom.”

“Of course,” Amanda said, her heart sinking slightly at the thought of another evening spent apart from her husband. She followed the servant through the hallways of the palace.

As she entered the council room, she couldn’t help but feel like an intruder, disrupting the serious atmosphere that permeated the space. James looked up from the papers strewn across the table, his eyes meeting hers with a mixture of gratitude and apology. He knew the toll this was taking on their relationship.

“Thank you for joining us, Amanda,” King Albert said, his voice kind but authoritative. “We were just discussing the latest reports from our spies. It seems the dissent is spreading, and we must act swiftly if we wish to maintain order.”

Amanda nodded, forcing a determined smile onto her face as she took her place beside James, resolute in her commitment to support him and their kingdom through these trying times.

“Starting a family while our kingdom is on the brink of chaos...Is it really the right time?” she pondered, her thoughts drifting toward the conversation she and James had over dinner the previous night.

“Amanda,” James had said, his eyes softening as he spoke to her. “I know the timing isn’t perfect, but we have a duty to secure the future of Theron. Besides, don’t you think our people could use a symbol of hope?”

Amanda couldn’t deny the truth in his words. But the fear that gripped her heart was undeniable too.

“James, I want children with you more than anything, but the thought of bringing them into a world so full of unrest...” Her voice trailed off, tears threatening to spill over.

“Hey now,” he’d replied, reaching across the table to take her hand. “Who knows? Maybe our child will be the one to bring peace to Theron.”

In the present moment, Amanda sighed, trying to shake off the lingering unease that clung to her like a heavy cloak. As she rounded a bend in the garden path, she was startled to find James waiting for her, leaning against an elegant stone bench.

“James!” she exclaimed. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Neither did I,” he admitted with a sheepish grin. “But after another long day of discussing political strategies, I needed a break. And there’s no place I’d rather be than by your side.”

Amanda’s heart swelled with love for her husband, despite the uncertainty of their situation. “We both need this,” she thought.

“James,” Amanda began hesitantly, mustering up the courage to voice her innermost thoughts. “I want to move forward and start our family, but I’m scared.”

“Sweetheart,” James replied tenderly, his thumb tracing soothing circles on the back of her hand. “It’s okay to be scared. I am too.”

As they sat together in the fading sunlight, surrounded by the beauty of the garden, Amanda felt a sense of peace wash over her, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them hand in hand.

“James, there’s something I need to tell you,” Amanda began, fidgeting with the hem of her dress. “I feel like I’m letting you falling in love with you.”

“Letting me down?” James chuckled softly, his warm breath tickling her cheek as he leaned closer. “Nothing could be further from the truth.”

“Really?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, as she searched his eyes for reassurance.

“Absolutely,” James replied earnestly. “You see, I’ve fallen for you too— hopelessly, completely, and irrevocably in love with you. The moment you entered my life, everything changed for the better.”

Amanda felt a surge of affection and relief wash over her, and her lips curved into a wide smile. “I’m so glad that you feel the same way. James,” she said, her voice steady and resolute, “we should start trying for a baby right away. The future of Theron depends on it.”

He smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling with joy as he nodded in agreement. “You’re right. We have a responsibility to our people, and together, we can give them hope for a brighter tomorrow.”
