Page 118 of Roommates

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‘If that’s all, while we’re up here…’

He grabs my waist and pulls me towards him.

‘That’s not going to happen,’ I protest, but let myself be pulled anyway.

‘It happened yesterday, repeatedly, if I recall.’ He laughs into my ear as he nibbles my earlobe. Good grief, he’s a quick study. ‘Please don’t ask me to stop,’ he whispers.

‘You’ve changed your tune.’ I chuckle, meeting his mouth with mine. Ugh. This is the opposite of what I am supposed to be doing right now.

‘Changed my tune? The whole album’s in the bin and is currently being rewritten.’

‘Caleb, maybe we shouldn’t…’ His mouth travels to my neck and kills my sentence.

‘Maybe we should, a little bit. Now, where’s that sneaky little…’ he whispers, with his lips brushing against my collarbone and his hand travelling up my dress. I am hardly clamping my thighs together.

‘Cal—’ His name is interrupted by a sharp intake of breath. He’s found it.

‘Aha. There it is. Good to know it’s still in working order after all the use it got yesterday…and this morning,’ he adds for effect, smiling as his mouth finds mine again.

I could kiss Caleb all day but I have to do something.

‘Mommy knows we’ve been intimate.’

He stops immediately.

‘Aari! I thought we weren’t going to say anything. Your father’s going to make whatever he does to me look like an accident and people will believe it.’

‘I didn’t. She caught you stroking my arm in the car, apparently you smell of me – and then are these!’ I point accusingly to the hickies he gave me. ‘You said you couldn’t see them!’

‘Firstly, I’m quite proud of those. Secondly, it was dark and I was half-asleep this morning when you asked me. They do seem to have flourished quite a bit since then.’ He grins, impressed with himself. I want to kill him. Finally, he gets serious. ‘Dahlia isn’t going to tell your father, is she?’

‘No, but she’s now plotting to run interference with the seating arrangements.’

‘Yes, I love your mother. Okay, we can get through this. I just need to ignore you, make sure I’m silent and not be a dick.’ He runs his hand through his hair like it’s going to be a challenge.

‘Sorry, Caleb.’ He didn’t sign up for this. I feel bad.

‘Don’t worry about it. When do they get here?’

‘Half twelve.’

I start to leave and he pulls me back.

‘Come here. I’ve been struggling to keep my hands off you since we left home.’ He looks at his watch. ‘We have twenty minutes. I’ll have you trembling in five.’

It’s a promise I know he’ll keep and I’m embarrassed at how quickly I give in. I don’t even argue.

‘Put your hands where I can see them, Aari,’ he breathes into the back of my neck, placing my palms flat against my wardrobe.

I can feel him behind me. His hands travel up my thighs to my bottom, lifting my dress as he goes along. When he gets to the top, he hooks his fingers into both sides of my underwear and teases it down my legs so slowly, I feel impatient for him. He lifts my feet out one by one, placing them further apart than they were. His breathing matches mine. Standing back up, he tilts my hips back with his hands. I hear his buckle and his zip. My body arches in anticipation. How on earth did I end up here? Caleb leans forward and whispers in my ear.

‘Goodness, Ariella, I so badly want to f—’

‘Ariella! I need you now please!’ my mother barks from downstairs.

‘Shit!’ Caleb laughs.

‘Coming!’ I yell back.
