Page 42 of Roommates

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When we get to Knightsbridge, Lara blows through Harvey Nichols like a force of nature and immediately plies me with champagne to take the edge off. Up to a point, she succeeds, by the fourth glass, I am trying on everything the personal shopper puts in front of me without resistance. Thankfully, though, I am not inebriated enough to take all the outfits seriously.

We eventually agree on a simple floor-length column gown with a daringly low back. She pairs it with some silver sandals. I must admit it looks beautiful, but it isn’t until we’ve paid that the realisation hits me.

‘Lara, I’m not going to be able to wear any underwear with this!’

‘Nope! Not traditional underwear anyway. We’ll have to get you those patch things.’ She beams triumphantly. ‘You know, if you weren’t my best friend and saving me from being fired, I’d hit on you in that dress.’

When I get home, I hear giggling coming from Caleb’s bedroom. I pray that he will be on his best behaviour. We’ve been getting along, but I am still worried. To my delight, he has settled into seeing only Nicole from work, but he still speaks about her in a very casual way. I’ve decided to quietly celebrate every day that I don’t wake up to a stranger in the kitchen. I hope he doesn’t hit on someone at the party. The anxiety of all that might happen tomorrow starts to overwhelm me, so I undress quickly, step into my bathroom and stand under the shower to let the water calm my nerves. As I climb into bed, I let the truth sink in. Jasper is going to be there with someone else.

I get up early the next morning, and walk into Nicole making breakfast.

‘Morning,’ I call as I pull my overnight case to the door.

The shock on her face is unmistakable. It occurs to me that, because I usually disappear before she arrives, she may not know that I live here. And Caleb obviously hasn’t shared that little bit of information either. Time to make myself scarce.

‘You know Caleb’s housemate?’ Nicole challenges.


Caleb has really dropped me in it this time. The woman I am looking at is not giving off warm, loving vibes. She probably thinks something is going on, which is laughable – but equally believable, thanks to his less than pristine reputation. Thankfully, she doesn’t wait for an answer.

‘I thought you had a boyfriend.’

‘We broke up.’

Okay. Nice dodge, Ariella. Be calm, just leave. I return to grab my leather satchel and pop my Converse on. I am almost out of the front door when Caleb comes through to the kitchen half-naked. I fix my eyes on the floor. Whatever I do, I must not look at him, because Nicole looks like she is about to go for anything that moves.

‘Bye, guys,’ I whisper, scurrying to the door.

‘See you later,’ he calls after me.

‘What’s happening later?’ I hear Nicole start yelling at him as I shut the door behind me.

I’ve always loved watching the imposing buildings of London fade away to the English countryside as my train moves closer to Weybridge station. I jump out, wave to our friendly stationmaster and start the twenty-minute walk home through the quiet, narrow roads that branch off into long driveways that lead to beautiful family homes. Unlike most of the houses on our street, we don’t have a gate at the end of our driveway, which also happens to be shorter than most.

I finally make it home and wander into the warm kitchen to find my mother, father, Zachary and Isszy having breakfast.

‘Baby!’ My mother wraps me tightly in her arms.

‘Happy birthday, Mommy.’

I feel her love radiate through me, causing tears to spring to my eyes. Being hugged by my mother always makes everything okay. I see Daddy already setting a place for me to join them for breakfast. Mommy lets go just as Daddy comes over.

‘Hello, love.’

I give him a kiss on the cheek before I disappear into his huge hug. I miss home. I am really lucky to have the parents I was dealt, with their vastly different personalities. My mom, who doesn’t look a day over twenty-five, was a little black girl who grew up in the Deep South. She was raised to be a prim and proper lady and to have exceptionally good manners. Not that you would know it. She is full of mischief and fun; is warm, provocative, fiercely loyal, and would go to war with whoever she needs to in order to protect her family. She stays current and usually knows much more about pop culture than I do. She is my best friend and greatest ally.

My father, on the other hand, is a patient and calm farmer’s son from Cumbria. He is a retired member of the SAS, and still works in some capacity with British Special Forces, through his own private security firm. Aside from being tall and broad, nothing about him gives his work life away. At home, he is always soft and sweet, like a big teddy bear.

‘Hey.’ Zachary waves from the table, not bothering to get up.

‘Hey.’ I smile back.

Isszy is next. I love Isszy. She is quiet, bold – and adored, because she effortlessly handles Zachary. She’s the editor at a fashion magazine, so she always looks beautifully put together. She has the same dark, rich skin tone as my mother and I am often amazed at how every colour and pattern she wears looks alive against her complexion.

‘I thought I’d help you get ready, if you like, tonight? I brought some dresses and make-up with me. Dahlia has given me strict instructions to make you look stunning. I promise not to use too much.’ She grins.

‘Yes please, Isz,’ I say, hugging her and rolling my eyes at Mommy.
