Page 57 of Roommates

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Lol, you’re going to fail epically at this, but good luck! ??

‘That’s really motivating, Caleb,’ she says with a smile, shaking her head at me.

‘Come on, I’ll help you. What do you want to say to this guy? He’s a journalist and he’s written that he loves that you’re naturally beautiful with a great smile. Ugh! He’s a creep, let’s delete him.’ He is one of those goody-goodies. Ariella would probably like him and end up in another long-term relationship. She should have a little fun instead.

‘No. He seems nice. Tell him thank you.’

Really? She definitely has a type – dull. I grudgingly do as she says. This is going to be the most boring session ever. For the next hour, Ariella and I swipe left and right, answer messages and start some conversations.

‘This has been fun.’ Ariella points to our beer bottle-covered coffee table. ‘What’s the time?’

‘Ten! Ariella! Aren’t you going to turn into a broccoli or something if you don’t rush to bed?’ I tease her.

‘I liked you better when you were judging me silently.’

She pokes me in the ribs and I jump. ‘I liked me better then too. This was fun, though. I’m starving. Fancy a bit of cheese on toast?’

‘Yes please.’

It is hard to believe that I’ve been on the couch with Ariella, just chatting and drinking, for the whole afternoon. Time has flown by. At least I now have the benefit of context, and she knows a bit more about me too. I look at the pile of work she’s failed to get through. When she catches me smiling at it she starts packing up her bag neatly, while I clear the bottles from the table.

‘Cheese on toast à la Caleb,’ I announce, making my way into the kitchen as she takes her work into her room. When she returns, I place a plate in front of her at the kitchen bar, along with her night-time tea.

‘I can’t believe you’re cooking.’

‘I cooked eggs this morning.’

‘For my mom, and you were clearly sucking up to her.’

‘Ah, Dahlia Mason. She isfit.’

‘I’ll make sure I tell her.’

‘You do that – just make sure it’s far, faaaar away from your father.’

She takes a bite. ‘This is delicious! What’s in it?’

I am not sharing. If she wants it again, she’s going to have to ask.

‘Secret recipe, perfected at uni. When I couldn’t afford a meal, I’d go on the pull, and only followed through if I got myself invited round. I’d always offer to make cheese on toast before anything happened. They thought I was the sweetest guy. I was just hungry and knew everyone always had bread and cheese in some quantity to spare. The result is the carefully honed recipe you have before you.’

‘That sounds tough.’

She reaches out and pats the back of my hand before I have the chance to move it away.

‘It wasn’t. It was fun, and it was the easiest way to get fed cheaply without some stranger feeling sorry for you.’ I feel her pity settle on me and I can’t handle it. ‘Eat up, Princess Ariella.’ I find something to tidy behind me in the kitchen.

‘Thank you for coming last night,’ she says, taking another bite.

‘I’m glad I came, and I’ll definitely be taking up that invitation your mother extended.’

‘You should, you know. She makes the most killer Sunday lunches. If you get through it, you won’t be able to move for hours afterwards.’ Ariella snickers as she finishes her toast and gets up. I swoop in quickly to take her plate and cup. I inexplicably don’t want her too close to me at the moment.

‘I’ve got this,’ I offer.

‘I’m really awake now. Want to watch an episode ofThe Sopranos?’ she suggests.

‘It’s almost eleven and I know what you’re like. You’re going to get excited, chat through the intro and be asleep, snoring and drooling on me, before the first scene is over.’
