Page 37 of A Snake By Name

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Why does this feel so natural?


It has been ten days since I met Lasta.

The dress is simple and fits me perfectly. It is form-fitting, and the fabric is a deep shade of green that I have never seen before.

I have no mirror, so I cannot see myself, but several of the other servants look at me with wonder in their eyes as I pass them by, my head down.

I hurry up to Lasta’s quarters, and I am relieved that I arrived right on time. But I cannot help but wonder, my crotch going damp as I do, what the punishment would be if I had been late.

I keep my head down as Lasta shows me in silently, and I wait obediently before he guides me into the dining area of his quarters.

“Sit.” His voice, deep and almost hoarse, urges me forward, and I sit down across from his chair.

He pours me a glass of red wine and instructs me to drink, while he stands and walks over to a silver tray on wheels.

He rolls the tray over to our table and removes the cover, revealing a three course meal that makes my stomach growl with ferocious hunger.

A small smile crosses Lasta’s face as I cross my arms over my stomach.

“I want you to eat more,” he tells me. “I want you to have breakfast, lunch, and supper. I will instruct Irian to give you time off. You’ll be working less, too.”

Everything Lasta says is an order that we both know I am going to follow unfailingly. I do not say anything. I just nod as he spoons food onto my plate.

“How have you been?” he asks me, and his voice is so gentle that I almost start sobbing. But I control myself and swallow my tears before I speak.

I do not know what it is about Lasta’s tenderness, and the way he has so easily started taking care of me, that makes me want to break down and cry.

“I’m fine,” I tell him, blinking away tears. “We’re just quite busy at the smithy.”

Lasta’s face becomes grim, and he nods and sighs.

“I want to protect this kingdom as much as possible. That means that you all will be working quite hard until the threat has passed.”

He doesn’t specify what the threat is, and I know better than to ask for more information.

Lasta looks me up and down then and notices the new cuts, bruises, and burns on my arm.

“You do know that I’m the only one allowed to hurt you, right?” His voice is hard and is tinged with anger as he stands up, abandoning his food.

He comes around the table, carefully kneels at my side, and takes my hands in his. He carefully examines each wound before he stands again and leaves the room.

Lasta returns minutes later with a large box filled with medical supplies, and I stand at his command and follow him to the bed.


It has been six days since my first time with Lasta.

Lasta tells me about his day, about his relationship with Prince Zalith, and Slyth, the Prince’s royal advisor, as he tends my wounds.

“Now, tell me about you.” His voice is gentle, but it is still a command as he smooths healing salve over the latest burn on my arm.

My thought process stops in its tracks as I consider what to say.

“I don’t know.” I am very uncomfortable, and the painful knot in my chest returns. But I cannot inflict any pain on myself to make it go away.

“I haven’t got much to say.” My voice wavers on the last word. “I’ve just always been alone.”
