Page 29 of Knight

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His tongue dives into my mouth, taking what he wants from me until I’m moaning into his mouth. Knight walks us back until my back hits the wall. Then he moves away from me, yanking my shorts down my legs. I let my hands wander his body, touching, teasing. Knight loses his jeans in seconds and lifts me in his arms before thrusting into me.

I wrap my arms around his neck and hold on for the ride he’s taking me on. He pumps into me as I cling to him. His breath dances over my flesh before he presses soft kisses to my neck. I don’t know why I feel a connection to this man, but I do. I feel it deep in my core. He may be younger than me, but he has his life together. He knows what he wants, and what he wants is me.

So I let him have me. I let him fuck me until my vision blurs. I let him plunge into me as my back scrapes against the wall. Then I feel the fire that burns deep within me unfurl and explode. I come hard, loving every second of what Knight has to offer me. I let him fill me with everything he has.

“Fuck me, Lyra. It gets better and better with you,” he says as he gasps for air. Finally, he pulls out of me, and my feet slide to the floor. I walk into the bathroom and clean up, and when I come back, Knight is lying on the bed naked. I take the time to stop and take him in. From head to toe, the man is perfection. I don’t know how I got so lucky to have someone like him in my life.

Knight must feel me staring at him. He lifts his head, and his lips curl into a smile before motioning for me to come to him. I grab my shorts on the way and pull them on before climbing onto the bed. I scoot close, but he reaches out and pulls me closer. I’m tucked into his arms when he sighs.

“You gotta let me help you here, Lyra.”

“It’s hard.”

“I know it is. Just let me in,” he whispers.

“We were married. Well, we’re still technically married,” I admit to him.

“Still married?” he asks as I nod my head.

“He hit me. He …”

“He what?”

“He would want sex, and I didn’t. I tried to say no.”

“He raped you?” he asks, sounding pissed at the idea of it.

“Yeah. I … I tried to stop him, but he’s a lot bigger than me.”

“How many times? Where were the kids?”

“They were at school mainly. There were a few nights when I think Cam might have heard us. I tried to keep quiet for them, Knight,” I confess as tears stream down my cheeks. He keeps me held tightly against him, but all I want to do is fall apart. I don’t want to involve him in this.

“I’ll take care of him,” he growls.

“That’s not why I’m telling you this. You wanted to know, Knight.”

“Keep talkin’.”

“Things were good when we first got married. They were better than good. I thought he loved me. Things changed over the years. After Cam was born, he got distant. Then we had Billy thinking that would bring us closer together. I thought that would change things. I tried to be a better wife and a good mom. He told me I failed at both. The first time he hit me, he apologized so many times it wasn’t even funny. But then it became more frequent. I wouldn’t fold his laundry the right way, or his food was overcooked. Nothing I did was ever right. It just got worse and worse. It killed me to have to look at the boys and know they saw me like that, with the bruises and blood. One night, Cam tried to help, and Dave hit him. That was the last time. I left after that.”

“How does he find you?”

“I don’t really know. He just shows up,”

I tell him.

“Well, the runnin’ ends now, Lyra. No more.”

“I can’t make that promise,” I tell him.

“Yeah, you can. The kids are happy here. They need stability.”

“You think I don’t know that? You think I don’t know what my kids need?” I snap at him. Knight shakes his head slowly and pulls me into his arms, keeping me tucked against him.

“I get you’re scared. I know this is hard on you, and I’m not doubtin’ you one bit, Mama. I also know you need to look at the bigger picture here. You need to settle down and let those kids be kids. They can’t do that if you’re movin’ all the time.” He’s right, and I know he is. I just hate that I feel this way.

