Page 40 of Knight

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When she’s finished, I pull my finger free and climb up her body, kissing her thighs on my way up. She shivers, her whole body trembling when I hold myself above her. I glare down at her, loving the sated look in her eyes.

“I’m gonna fuck you, Mama. Long and hard,” I warn her. Her legs wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to her. My cock touches her wet pussy, and she moans once more. I reach between us and position myself before sliding in. There’s nothing in the world that could compare to the feeling of being inside her.

Lyra reaches up and wraps her arms around my neck, pulling my face down to hers. Then she kisses me. Her lips glide over mine, tasting herself on me.

“You like tastin’ yourself on me?” I ask her as I slowly thrust in and out of her.

“I’ve never done it before with anyone else,” she says.

“That’s good, Mama. That means it’s all for me,” I tell her before leaning down and brushing my lips over her neck. I kiss her softly, licking at her flesh as my cock slips and slides inside of her wet heat. She keeps me locked in as I groan and move with her. When I can’t take anymore, I sit up and raise her legs so I can get deeper. And deeper is exactly what I get. I fuck her hard and deep, just like I warned her I was going to. The noises she’s making do little more than make me harder and hornier.

“Come on, Lyra. I need you to come all over my cock,” I tell her. With one hand, I keep her leg up and let the other rest on myshoulder before lowering my hand to find her clit. I rub the nub until she’s biting her lip to keep from screaming. Her panting breaths are all that can be heard as I take her a little rougher. But that’s exactly when I feel her pulse and clamp down on me. She comes hard, and I’m not far behind her. My cock swells and releases, pumping her full of me.

I’m breathing heavily when I pull out of her and drop onto the bed. She rolls to her side, catching her breath as she runs her hand up and down my back.

“You good?” I ask her.

“Better than good,” she says as her hand keeps moving. I relax under her touch and close my eyes before slowly drifting off to sleep.

I don’t know how long I’ve been asleep when I startle and wake up. I glance around the room, checking Lyra as I blink, the vivid dream I was having still fresh in my mind. I watch her breathe for a minute before shoving off the bed and heading for the bathroom.

I do my business and wash up before looking at myself in the mirror. Staring back at me is a man who knows what he wants. A man who can take care of Lyra and her kids.

Kids. I never thought I’d have them this young and one that’s damn near fourteen years younger than me. I never thought I’d help raise someone else’s kids either, but here they are, and I couldn’t picture it any other way. I like having the boys around. I like that they look up to me. It makes me want to be a better person, a better man.

I stand here thinking over my future for a long time when Lyra walks in.

“What are you doing?”


“About what?” she asks in a groggy sleep-induced voice. She walks over and wraps her arms around my waist, pressing a kiss to my back before stepping off to the side.

“Life. You. The boys.”

“It’s a lot to take in. I know you’re not ready for kids, Knight.”

“That’s the thing. I think I am. When I see the boys laughin’ and happy, it does somethin’ to me. Seein’ the three of you together … it’s like I fit in here.”

“I’m glad you feel that way, but don’t think you have to just because we’re together. I know the boys can be a lot to handle.”

“They’re really not, though. Cam has come around, and Billy is just fuckin’ great. I never really thought about havin’ a family at my age. I figured it would happen sooner or later, but now? It feels right, Lyra.”

“What are you saying?” she asks, her eyes full of tears. I turn to face her, gripping her face in my hands.

“I’m sayin’ I want you. I want them. I want all of this.” She slowly smiles, a few tears leaking down her cheeks that I quickly wipe away.

“We come with baggage,” she says softly.

“I know that, and I’m willin’ to accept that, too. We’ll deal with Dave, Lyra. We’ll handle him.”

“Then what?”

“What do you want? In life?”

“I want to be happy. I want my kids to be happy and have stability. I want a happy home with parents who love and cherish them. I’m sick of running, Knight. I don’t know how much more I have in me,” she admits to me. My heart swells, and the idea of loving her hits me hard. Could that be what I feel for her? It’s been months, and that doesn’t seem long enough, but who the hell gets to decide when you love someone? Isn’t it just something that happens, and you have no control over it?

“I wanna give you all that and more, Lyra. I wanna give you what you deserve.”
