Page 22 of The Capo

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It had to be.

Whether or not I wanted another taste no longer mattered.

She’d known exactly who I was two nights before at the club. My club. She’d allowed the filthy moment to continue, even though she was fully aware that her father wouldn’t approve. It would seem the innocent flower standing in front of me had a wicked side of her own. There were no words for what I was thinking, or the continued hunger that I felt. At least none that came to mind.

However, what did was a deep resonating anger at myself for not recognizing her the moment I’d laid eyes on her. I could allow myself the luxury of using the excuse she’d been behind glittery costume-like makeup or that it had been almost ten years since I’d seen her. Both true, but I’d spent enough time around her that I should have recognized her vocal inflections, her laugh.

Maybe I’d unconsciously pushed all reasoning aside for a single taste of the forbidden.

“How are you?” Delaney asked, her wide eyes reflecting her obvious surprise that we’d been forced together. She dragged her tongue across her bottom lip nervously, her eyes flitting toward her father. That meant she certainly hadn’t shared the news she’d run into me before.

Fuck. How had I gotten myself into this fucking mess in the first place?

“Busy. I understand you’re a model.” I tried my best to keep my tone impassive. It was almost impossible.

She nodded. “A very successful one. Perhaps you’ve seen me on a magazine cover or two. I was onVoguesix months ago.”

Smirking, I glanced at Brandon, who was watching, his arms folded and a slight scowl on his face. I knew what it had taken for him to ask me to protect his only daughter. We’d had more than one ugly conversation about the reasons our friendship had tanked for a couple of years. He hadn’t approved of my risky, dangerous lifestyle. Or the fact I’d killed or had had killed more than a couple of people.

That had been only one of the reasons. If he ever found out I’d fucked his daughter, the man would attempt to kill me with his bare hands. That would force me to do something I didn’t want to.

He’d grown up in what my family had affectionately called a white-bread world where rules were followed and men like me were considered bastard scum. Only he’d adopted several of my methods of handling business associates over the years, making him an extremely wealthy and powerful man. That had required him to cross more than one morally gray line, which was something he refused to embrace or even acknowledge.

But he and I knew the truth.

If there was a fine line between love and hate, there was a much finer one between right and wrong. Once stepping across that line, it was next to impossible to pull back from it. That pissed him off more than the fact I was still involved in the uglier sides of my family’s business. I was the one who cleaned up the garbage from every walk of life.

And yet he hungered to cross the line on a more permanent basis.

“Unfortunately, I have little time for such frivolous hobbies, Delaney. But I’m certain your success had brought you great happiness.”

She shifted her expression of surprise to one of intense loathing, which was exactly what I was going for. She needed to hate me, or this twisted arrangement wouldn’t work. And a favor was a favor, something that I refused to ignore. I owed the man.

“You’re still a pompous asshole, I see. I wonder how many people you’ve killed lately. Ten. Fifteen? Oh, who’s counting.”

She’d obviously overheard my conversation, coming to her own conclusions.

“I do what’s necessary in my line of work.”

“Like slaughtering people. You’re not much different than the asshole who tried to kill me. Are you?”

“That’s enough!” Brandon hissed. “You will not talk to Francois that way. As you so aptly put it, he is to be considered your uncle. Remember that. And as family, you will have respect.”

I wasn’t certain whether he was taking the time to remind me about my place in his household or doing so strictly for his daughter, but the flush creeping up both sides of her face told me many things.

Including the fact she’d enjoyed our time together.

Too bad.

“I don’t want him in this house, Father,” she countered.

“You came to me seeking protection. Therefore, you will follow my rules, dear daughter of mine. Francois is the only man whocan make certain nothing happens to you while I’m gone.” He turned his head slowly, waiting for her reaction.

She threw me another hateful look, slamming her coffee cup onto his desk. “Fine. But I don’t have to like it. I have friends I plan on seeing while I’m here.”

“Then I’ll ensure at least one of my men remain with you at all times.”

Snorting, she shook her head, and I could almost make out the curse words she said under her breath. She hated being caught in the game she’d played. In the truths she’d kept from me. The spanking I’d given her was nothing like the one she deserved for her insolence and the temptation she’d offered.

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