Page 35 of The Capo

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“The problem with whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas is that it’s bullshit. Somehow, the crap that goes on in the sin cityalways comes back to haunt you. Secrets and lies don’t do well in a family. You should know that as well as I do.”

“Yeah, I do. Anyway. That’s not the reason you wanted us to have a meeting.”

“No. I’ve been studying the threats and the fact that our people can’t determine where they came from,” Arman mused as he returned to the same chair. “Much like what happened almost a year ago, we need to not only look internally at our folks but also take a look at the past enemies in case we missed something. You know what they say. Blood is a hell of a lot thicker than water.”

Why did it feel as if there was a hidden meaning behind his words?

“True, but I have a feeling this is more about some asshole wanting to come into New Orleans. Or it’s about something our father did in the past.”

“Maybe. However, in my experience, these types of threats escalate into a bloodbath if what you are thinking is true. Be wary of your activities. It would seem, brother, that you are the one being targeted specifically. That could make what’s happening with Delaney risky as hell.” He lifted his eyebrows, studying me intently.

“Don’t think I haven’t thought of it. I’ve put extra security on all the business activities. The only thing that bothers me is that we still have some pricy party favors coming in from South America and Cuba in a couple weeks.” Contrary to what people believed, our family wasn’t in the illegal drug business. We were into alcohol and cigarettes, cigars as well. And sometimes a shipment of diamonds. All in all legal but very much targets on the open market.

“Well, don’t put off taking a trip to Key West if necessary. Dallas can wait if it needs to.”

“Not a bad idea.” Maybe the best thought was to get Delaney out of town. I took another gulp of beer and glanced at the water. Maybe I needed to do more reflection like my brother did. Perhaps I’d find the answers I was seeking.



“I took the liberty of having that Italian driver you hired checked, especially since his grandparent was in the Cosa Nostra.”

He seemed amused, curious if I knew. “I already knew that, bro. He was up front about it, but his father was disowned for not following in his father’s footsteps. Giovanni never met his grandfather. What did you find?”

“Nothing. The kid is clean, squeaky clean.”

“At least we can cross him off the list of suspects.”

Arman rubbed his jaw. “This feels like a passionate act of revenge.”

“Very true. There’s a significant amount of anger in the perpetrator’s actions, including the roommate’s slaughter. However, to make it look like a serial killer had stormed into LA also had a hint of playfulness.”

Arman almost choked. “Your idea of fun and mine are entirely different.”

I had to laugh. “Look, it’s also entirely possible the asshole found out about my relationship with her father and is using any way toget to us.” I told my brother about the saying on the wall. Then I thought about Brandon’s odd reactions to leaving for Europe.

“I know he’s your friend, but it might be in our best interest to have Brandon’s activities checked. No stone unturned, remember?”

Initially, I bristled, but he was right. “Fine. Do it.”

“I’m curious. Does Delaney know her life was almost lost because of us?”

I snorted. “Are you kidding me? She’s trying her best to hate me. But I think she suspects as much.”

“I’m going to give you one piece of advice if you’ll allow me,” Arman continued.

“Could I stop you?”

“I don’t know. You have a nasty right hook.”

I laughed in spite of the ugliness of the situation and the nerve-racking feeling that had started to ebb into my system. “Shoot.”

“Love is a fickle thing, bro. You know that. Lust is a powerful tool as well. But trust is what really matters in any kind of intimate relationship. If you trust her with your life, then maybe you have the right one. If you can’t, then you need to let it go. There are plenty of women out there, ones without baggage. But if you really care about her, keep her at arm’s length until the person responsible is found. If you don’t…”

He didn’t need to tell me that if the perpetrator got wind of the fact she was important to me, her life would be taken.

Or worse.
