Page 8 of The Capo

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“I suggest you watch your mouth, or I’ll have Raven swing that steel ball at your head.”

“I’ll keep that in mind, but I have a feeling I can handle her.”

“The man obviously has no idea how formidable Raven can be,” Maddox suggested.

“And you obviously forget how merciless I can be,” I threw out as we all rose to our feet, the redhead grabbing my attention once again. I moved closer to the railing overlooking the dance floor, enjoying more of the view.

My brother flanked my side, remaining quiet for a full minute. “Be careful, Francois. Even with our fastidious actions, we stillhave enemies lying in wait even from Pops’ former regime. You know that.”

“Of course I do. That’s a product of our father’s regime.” Our father had paved a path in blood, including erasing two sons of powerful enemy leaders. I couldn’t put it past either one to lie in wait for the perfect moment. Revenge had no timeframe.

“It’s a product of today’s society.” He clapped me on the shoulder, giving the girl another quick glance before turning to face the opposite way. “Give yourself a night off. You need it. You’ve been wired tight as a damn drum over the last few months.”

“I’ve needed to be since you were galivanting around the islands.”

“You’ll learn the most important thing in your life is keeping your woman happy.”

He laughed when I gave him another amused look. “Not going to happen.” However, indulging in a night of practiced debauchery might not be a bad idea. As I stood gazing down at the girl, she lifted her head toward the balcony, suddenly no longer dancing.

There was an instant connection, a bolt of electricity that reminded me of a live wire in the middle of a thunderstorm. I took a deep breath.

“Just remember enemies come in all shapes, sizes, and in both sexes,” he told me.

I was rarely captivated by anyone, even lovely creatures, so I was surprised at my body’s reaction to a stranger. My cock was aroused, my balls tightening. Yeah, it had been a hell of a long time since I’d found myself this attracted.

When she smiled, realizing she was being watched, it was as if she’d lit a series of sparklers inside the darkened room. Then she purposely looked away. She either had no clue who I was or couldn’t care less. Either way, that intrigued me even more.

Now I’d make it a point to seek the beautiful, mysterious vixen out of the shadows. After that, I might allow my defenses to fall.

“Stop worrying, brother. I’m the most cautious man you know.” My words weren’t incorrect.

“True enough. I’ll see you at the race.”

“You’re coming?” I was shocked, slowly turning my head to see if he was fucking with me. He believed my venture was the result of me having a midlife crisis, which is exactly what I’d accused him of when he’d proposed purchasing a baseball team. Diversifying, my ass. We were both seeking enjoyment in different ways than those we’d engaged in during our misspent youth.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

My brother had a way of making light of anything, including danger. I shook my head then returned my gaze to the vision at the bar.

Only she’d disappeared.

Her loss.

But I stopped short, tipping my head, a smile slowly crossing my face. There was something about her that was more than just attractive, as if she was meant to be mine. I wanted nothing more than to shove the feeling aside, but the electric vibrations were constant, unsettling as fuck.

I returned to the balcony, peering over the side, watching as she shifted back into the light for a brief but purposeful moment.

My hunger continued to grow.

And the hunter in me was awakened.



A cold shiver skated down my spine from the way the man was looking at me from his perch on the balcony. I’d been convinced to come here, to engage in a night out after appearing on my girlfriend’s doorstep in my hometown the night before. Perhaps Carrie’s reason for dragging me out was that she was sick that since my unannounced arrival, I’d hidden under a thick blanket on her only couch in the tiny apartment she was living in.

I hadn’t been home in years, living in Los Angeles almost as long as I had in New Orleans, especially since my modeling career had taken off. My original intent had been to return to the house I grew up in, but I knew exactly what would happen if I did. My father would force me to talk to the police in a city far removed from what had occurred and under a jurisdiction that could do nothing about my safety.

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