Page 81 of The Capo

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He finally allowed himself to smile, his gaze turning ravenous. Even during the middle of a crisis, he had a way of making me feel that a taste of decadence was in order.

“Are you going to tell me what we’re doing?”

“Not a chance, beautiful doll. You’re going to need to wait to find out. Go change. I’ll be waiting. Tonight isn’t about anything but enjoying time spent together. Deal?”

“Deal, even if you are a very mean man for not telling me.”

Laughing, he backed away but not before sliding the tip of his finger from one side of my jaw to the other. Then he pulled out his phone, heading out onto one of the three decks overlooking the small harbor.

I waited for a few seconds before heading into the bedroom, finding dozens of bags from various stores I’d never heard of. If he’d wanted me to feel like a princess, he’d succeeded and with every bag I opened, pulling out beautiful dresses and casual clothes, my smile grew larger.

By the time I’d laid everything out onto the bed, a full thirty minutes had passed. He’d spent a small fortune purchasing me dozens of outfits, including some of the most beautiful lingerie I’d ever seen. I was still shocked when I finally selected a tropical dress, squealing the moment I walked into the bathroom to ensure it looked good enough for the night.

The luxurious dress had cost more than I’d ever been willing to spend. Not because I couldn’t afford it after my success had reached a pinnacle but because I’d refused to believe enough in myself. The admittance was something I’d tried not to do after reaching certain goals, but the self-deprecation had started long before I’d hit a runway or been bashed by a shithead photographer.

Not tonight. I refused to succumb to the ugliness of everything I’d experienced in Los Angeles. Tonight was about enjoying time spent with the man who’d saved my life.

In more than one way.

After refreshing my makeup, I grabbed a pair of sandals, twirling one last time in the mirror. I’d walked in to find an entire cabinet full of makeup and other toiletries, various perfumes and bath gels. Whoever was doing the shopping had managed to select everything a girl could ever want or need. I picked out one of my favorite fragrances, spritzing my neck and wrists.

When I walked out of the room, I wasn’t surprised to find him on the deck overlooking the water, only this time instead of a phone, he had a drink in his hand. As we did with each other, he sensed my approach, lowering his head slightly and issuing an intense growl. No one in my life had ever allowed me to feel such tingling sensations.

I twirled in a full circle, laughing softly when I noticed how dark his eyes had turned. However, it was the intense shimmer in them that continued to bring not only a shiver down my spine, but wetness between my legs, my pussy throbbing.

“You look stunning,” he said, his tone deep and dark like the man himself.

“Who was the woman?”

“One of my employees.”

“How did she know my size? Everything is exquisite.”

“That’s easy. I told her.”

I crowded his space at the railing, taking the drink from his hand. The slight touch of our fingers had such a tremendous effect that I allowed a moan to be heard. When I brought the glass to my lips, I closed my eyes, savoring the tingling sensations. With beads of the fine liquor remaining on my lips, I dragged my tongue through them in an exaggerated manner on purpose, just to see what he’d do. “You amaze me.”

“And you’re such a temptress.”

“I need to get your attention somehow.”

“Lady. You’ve had my rapt attention for quite some time.”

“How did you know what I’d like?” I was more than curious.

“I know many things about you.”

I took another sip, returning the glass. “Do tell.”

He took a deep breath, studying the ocean water. It was difficult to take my eyes off him for even a second. He was dressed in something I never believed I’d see him wearing: jeans and a polo shirt, this time in bright red. He had the kind of body meant for denim, his butt sculpted perfectly by the dense fabric. I was swooning just over the way he looked.

“Your favorite color is red. Your favorite ice cream flavor is Chunky Monkey. You’d prefer to live by the ocean if at all possible, owning a small house directly on the beach. You enjoy quiet nights watching a movie with a bowl of popcorn versus going to a fancy dinner. Oh, and action and adventure is your favorite genre, the rougher the better. You love reading books, indulging your fantasies in various stories captivating that big brain of yours, particularly the tales depicting other fabulous countries. You love red wine, the taste of bourbon, and prefer your men dressed in jeans versus suits. How am I doing so far?”

I was shocked that every single thing he’d said was completely true, but unless he’d been spying on me then there was no chance he would have figured all that out on his own. “You’ve been spying on me for how long?”

“Do you really think that’s how I figured out your preferences?”

“There’s no other way.”
