Page 93 of The Capo

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“Because I needed to,” I told her.

She cocked her head, shielding her eyes from the sun as she stared at me. “Wait a minute. You think…” When she took a step away, I grabbed her arm, pulling her toward me. “Let go of me. You think my father has something to do with what’s happening. Don’t you?”


“Oh, no, you don’t,” she snapped, jerking her arm free. “Tell me. Now.”

She’d raised her voice and the fact we were being watched wasn’t good at this point. I had a feeling our argument would end up on the six o’clock news. I walked closer, knowing she’d refuse to back down. “I don’t know anything for certain.”

“Oh, my God. He took a bullet for you, and you think this? Why would he ask you to protect me?”

“I don’t know.” Which was being as honest with her as I could. It was one of those questions that kept me from sending soldiers after him.

She hauled off and cracked her hand across my face, gasping for air. “Just get away from me. You’re terrible. I can’t believe you.” When she tried to run away, I was forced to grab her, but she slipped through my fingers, managing to race into the crowd before I could catch her.

Timing and karma weren’t on my side. At that moment, I noticed two police cars rolling in, forcing the people on the street to move or get run over. They came screeching to a halt in front of me. And within seconds, I sensed reporters coming out of their hiding holes like roaches ready to feast.

As soon as a police officer exited from the driver’s side, he reached for his weapon, and I was forced to raise my hands. Dear God. There couldn’t be worse timing at this point.

“Mr. Francois Thibodeaux, you are under arrest for the transportation of illegal narcotics.” As they started to read me my rights, the crowd of people in the streets swarmed all around us, dozens of tourists taking pictures, reporters racing get amicrophone in front of my face. This was exactly what they’d been waiting for.

The love of my life suddenly reappeared, storming up to the police officers. “What is the meaning of this?” she demanded.

“Miss, you need to take a step back. Officer Robinson, gather up the men who are in his entourage and bring them down to the station.”

Fuck me. They were arresting my soldiers. This was a complete setup. “Listen to me, baby. Go back to the condo and stay inside. Do not go out. Do not open the door.”

“They can’t do this. They can’t?” She managed to shove one of the officers aside.

“Get the keys from my pocket. Do it,” I told her under my breath.

“Miss. If you don’t want to be arrested, I suggest you move aside.”

She managed to snag the keys before they had a chance to stop her. “This can’t be happening. This is crazy.”

“It’ll be okay, baby.” The swarm of people was getting worse, the reporters more like piranhas than vultures.

“Mr. Thibodeaux, how does it feel to finally be arrested?”

“Mr. Thibodeaux, what do you have to say about the accusations?”

As the reporters crushed their way forward, Delaney was pushed back by several feet. I craned my neck to find her, praying to God she would follow my orders and that she’d be safe. While I knew Sante could get me out on bail, it might take some time. Hopefully, Rocco would finish his investigation soon.

“Delaney! Delaney!” As I was led toward one of the police cars, the reporters continued to hound me with questions and within seconds, I’d lost sight of her.

Jesus Christ.

Why did I have a terrible feeling this would turn into yet another tragedy?



No. No. No.

The last words I’d said to him were in anger?

My hands were clammy and I watched as he was placed into the police car before turning around. I’d heard him call my name, the horrible sound of his voice echoing in my ears. I was ready to panic, the horrific crowd of people and reporters pushing me to the very edge. As soon as I noticed at least two of the reporters from one of the local news stations were heading in my direction, I backed away, tears stinging my eyes.
