Page 95 of The Capo

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I gasped for air, laughing at myself for rambling. The goddamn thing had cut me off. What had I said? I couldn’t even remember, I’d been talking so fast. All I knew was that without someone helping me, I had no clue what I was supposed to do. None. I took another gulp of wine and allowed the tears to flow, telling myself that it was never going to happen again. I refused to allow myself to fall into despair.

I tossed the phone onto the coffee table, hoping that I’d hear from someone soon. Or that the man I loved would come waltzing in through the door, scooping me off my feet and taking me somewhere special. I took a few minutes rubbing Sadie’s head, amazed how stroking her soft fur had managed to take some of the edge away. If only it would last longer than a few minutes.

“It’s going to be okay.” Why was I repeating myself? To try to buy it.

The pup jumped off, woofing as she moved closer to the back door, peering outside. At least she wasn’t growling.

As I inched closer to the door leading to one of the decks, I contemplated daring to open it and walk outside. That was silly.Wasn’t it? Unlocking it, I took a few deep breaths then threw it open, enjoying the breeze as it wafted through the open airway. After grabbing my wine, the moment I walked outside, I was reminded this was paradise, even if my life wasn’t.

Could I work for my father? I wanted to laugh. That would depend on the outcome of what had occurred.

If my father hadn’t betrayed him then maybe, although I certainly couldn’t stay at my father’s house forever. Everything was far too muddled.

All I could do was wait. And hope. And pray.

The fact the sun was setting, twilight moving in added to the moments of terror. I’d turned on the television for comfort, but seeing the goddamn news reporter almost gleeful in showing the footage of Francois’ arrest only made me angry. I glared at the television, cursing under my breath.

“They are terrible people. They have no clue what they’re saying.”

Sadie lifted her head but didn’t respond. The report highlighted his accolades as well as the rumor mill regarding how he and his family had risen to power in the first place. I moved to the couch, thumping down and placing my head into my hands.

The sound caught me off guard and it took me a few seconds to realize the chirping noise was my phone. I jerked up my head, immediately grabbing it. It would be only one of two people. When I noticed the number wasn’t one I recognized, I almostdidn’t answer it. As soon as I did, I was thankful I hadn’t chickened out.



“This is Arman Thibodeaux. I’ve been trying to get Francois on the phone or one of his men. What is going on?”

“Oh, God. He’s been arrested. They were all taken into the precinct.”

“What the fuck? Tell me exactly what happened.”

“Okay.” And so I did, not leaving out a single detail of what I knew.

“Sit tight,” he told me after I’d finished. “The cavalry is on the way.”

I wanted to jump up and down. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” I was suddenly racked with sobs of insane joy, which was ridiculous given the situation. Francois was lucky he had a close family, people who cared about each other.

As Sadie jumped onto the couch again, I held her close, sobbing into her fur. She was warm and comforting, enough I could breathe a little easier finally. Now I wasn’t so terrified.

In a little over four hours, someone would come to the rescue. I only hoped by then Francois would have returned.

But as the minutes continued to tick by, I had a terrible feeling that wasn’t going to happen. I sat back, finally unable to take the news any longer, pouring the third glass of wine. Darkness was creeping closer. Before it came in completely, I had to take Sadie out for a short walk. I had no other choice.

“Come on, girl. Let me take you out to potty.”


“Just do me a favor and don’t take too long. Okay?” I moved off the couch to grab her leash. She trailed behind me, whining slightly. “I know. It’s not your daddy doing this, but you’ll need to settle for me. I might not be your mommy dog, but I adore you as if you were mine.” After attaching the leash, I scratched her behind the ear.

“Come on. Let’s go, girl.”

She made it two steps toward the door then sat back on her haunches. When she growled, the hair stood up on the back of my neck.

“What is it?” I kept my voice low.

Her snarl was a clear indication that someone was outside the door. I shrank back, my nerves finally shot. At least I didn’t make a single sound when the person knocked on the door. I placed my finger across my lips to try to keep her from barking. Whoever was standing on the other side of the door refused to go away, now pounding on the door.
