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I was the last one out, closing the door and locking her inside. We could hear her whimpers. I hated leaving her as much as Elic did, but we needed a few hours for us.

The drive to the restaurant was quick. I took the utility vehicle and parked it at my parents’ house, then we walked the rest.

Cadence smiled when she saw us. She was the hostess tonight. “Table for three?”

“Smart-ass,” I muttered.

Her tone changed fast. “I heard that. In or out?” There was the sister I knew.

“Out,” Casper said. “The weather’s good. Might as well take advantage of it before it gets too hot.” June was right around the corner, along with higher temperatures. Once July hit, forget it. There would be no way I was sitting out here to eat.

With menus in hand, even though none of us needed them, Cadence sat us on the patio with a view of the farmland. Luckily, the cows weren’t close. Not only would that be an awful smell, but who the hell wanted to eat steak while staring at cows?

We got a few looks as we walked by. Neither Casper nor I gave them any attention. If we started acknowledging those around us, we’d never get to enjoy dinner.

“Tiffany will be your server,” Cadence said, putting menus down in front of us. “She’ll be right with you.” She left after giving us a wink. For all the stupid sibling shit she and I threw at each other, I loved her.

I put my arms on the menu to lean onto the table, knowing the dinner selections by heart. I’d tried everything on it, though my favorite was the prime rib.

Casper put the menu down and leaned back in the chair with his legs spread wide. Damn, I never tired of looking at him. “Keep eyeing me, Reed, and we’ll make the news for a whole other reason.”

Elic laughed. “God, could you imagine?”

“No,” I chuckled. “I don’t want that to be on the front page of anything.”

“Come on,” Casper said. “Everyone drools over bulge pics. I’m packing. Maybe we’ll sell more.”

“Your cock doesn’t need to be on a cover. It’s not for anyone else to see.”

He smirked. “Jealous?”

“You’re not the only one who can be possessive.” When Casper got like this, it was a huge turn-on. His self-confidence was great to witness and didn’t come out enough when we weren’t on stage.

Casper turned to look at Elic and I followed suit. Elic had his eyes on the menu, scanning it like it was the most fascinating thing in the world.

“Hey.” I reached over and tapped his hand. “Were we being too loud or making you uncomfortable?”

“No, it’s just… sometimes I wonder if I fit with you both.”

Leaning forward, Casper brought his chair closer. “You fit, Elic. You fit so damn well I have to fight to keep from pulling you into my arms all the time. I joke with Reed because I know he enjoys bantering, something I should have done more of over the years.” His eyes met mine briefly. “But you’re not Reed, and I don’t expect the same from you. You’re different, unique, and I like that about you. Can I hold your hand?”

Elic lifted his eyes. “You’re asking me? At Reed’s, you don’t. I said you didn’t have to.”

“This isn’t private. We’re out in the open. It’s your choice how far you want to go and how much you want others to know.”

“I want to hold your hand and Reed’s.”



It was ridiculous to be nervous holding Casper’s hand. Reed had moved closer to my other side, bringing his warm smile with him. I enjoyed it when they bracketed me. When they surrounded me with everything that was unique to them.

Our server came by to take our drink orders. She didn’t bat an eye at the three of us being so close together or at seeing Casper and Reed. Everyone who worked here was used to having them around.

We sat in our little semi-circle of just us. A warm breeze blew through the patio, bringing with it the light scent of the flowers in the planters along the perimeter of the outdoor seating area. Others sat around us but didn’t pay us any mind after they got a few glances in. I expected as much with stars as my dates.

For the most part, we got to enjoy our dinner in peace. A few people stopped by for pictures or autographs. Reed kept apologizing to me, but I reminded him it wasn’t necessary. I thought it was amazing people loved them so much they wanted a few seconds of their time. And for as grumpy as Casper could get, he was charming as hell with fans. He didn’t smile like Reed did. He kept to his personality, which is one of the reasons I thought he drew people in.
