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He smiled. “I like that plan.”

“Good.” Reed grinned. “Let’s go. I was serious about the funnel cake.”

Fans recognized us as soon as we walked through the entrance. People stopped and stared. Some took pictures. Reed gave them his best smile and waved. I ignored them and focused on our surroundings. They wouldn’t expect me to be overly friendly, anyway. Having Reed and Elic with me, I wanted them safe. Yes, Elic’s stepfather was still behind bars but that didn’t mean some other fucker wasn’t out there waiting.

“Cas,” Reed said. My eyes fell to him. “We’re okay here. Relax.”

I grunted in response. These two needed to have fun. I’d make sure they had it while also taking care of them.

The fair was free to attend, but we had to pay to go on the rides, play games, and eat. There were exhibits during the days that anyone could attend like baking and livestock contests. There were presentations from the local wildlife refuge and an animal shelter.

A clown with bushy red hair and a big red nose carrying balloons walked toward us, sending a chill down my spine. Fucking clowns.

Elic must have felt me shake through the chill. “Are you afraid of clowns?”

Reed barked out a laugh. “I almost forgot. Ever since he sawItwhen we were younger, he’s been scared.”

“Shut the hell up.” I pointed at him. “That shit is terrifying.”

“It’s a movie. It’s not real.”

“I swear to fuck, Reed,” I growled.

Letting go of Elic’s hand, Reed and his well-styled hair strode right up to the clown and bought a balloon. A red one.

“Dick,” I grumbled when he returned to us.

He grinned like the happiest son of a bitch in the whole fucking fair.

From there, we made our way through the stalls of food and rode the Ferris wheel, which was seriously one of the best things I’d ever done. Elic was so genuinely happy, beaming with joy, I pulled him onto my lap and held him close, soaking in the time we spent together. Reed pressed against my side so he could put Elic’s legs over his lap and I could put my arm around him. It was a perfect moment. It also set Elic on course to go on every ride. We eventually stopped when I thought Reed was going to throw up from the funnel cake, turkey leg, and every other piece of food he’d stuffed into his mouth.

There weren’t a lot of games. Two, to be precise. One was a car racing game we epically sucked at. A ten-year-old girl beat us and gloated. I couldn’t help but laugh. She was so proud. Her mom laughed too and shook her head. She thanked us for being good sports.

The next game was a throwing one where we had to knock down bottles. We knew it was rigged, yet Reed was determined to win. I didn’t even try. Elic was content to lean his back against my chest so I could wrap my arms around him.

Did people stare at us? Absolutely. We were three men in a relationship. It wasn’t like there were a lot of queer couples out here to begin with. Though I did spot Peyton Lynx with his two men. He looked miserable while Perry had a big mound of cotton candy on a stick and Dominic carried a teddy bear almost as big as he was. Peyton waved when he saw us. If Greer and his men would have been here, I would have laughed. Not about Greer. I’d seen him at the fair when we were younger. But Dexen Dremest and JJ Altair on a carousel? Fuck, I’d pay to see that.

“Yes!” I heard Reed shout.

I focused on him instead of the crowd. I’d missed the winning shot, apparently. Reed had his fists in the air. A few people took videos of him. He turned and bowed while wearing a grin. The guy running the game handed him a pink gorilla that was about the length of his arm. It was like someone handed Reed an award for best album. That was how happy he was. What I wouldn’t give to see him like that all the time.

Reed stopped in front of us and handed the gorilla to Elic. “For one of my boyfriends. Cas didn’t want my gift to him.” He stuck his tongue out at me.

“You gave me a balloon.” A second red one because the first got loose and drifted away. Oops.

“Whatever. You don’t appreciate my gifts.”

Elic hugged the gorilla to his chest, then pushed up on his toes to kiss Reed on the lips. I was so stunned; I held my breath. Reed looked like he did the same.

“Oh,” Elic gasped when he pulled back. “That was our first kiss.” He turned to me. “Would you like one too?”

I pressed his chest to mine with the gorilla trapped between us and dipped my head. “Hell yeah, I do.”

My lips met Elic’s for the first time. He tasted sweet from the cotton candy he’d had, and he smelled like funnel cake. I didn’t want to push him too far. When his tongue brushed over my lips, I readily opened for him. That was my first real taste of the gorgeous man in my arms. The kiss didn’t last long, the sound of the fair still going on around us had me keeping from deepening it and taking it further.

Elic pulled back before I did, his eyes hooded and latched on to my lips.

“Well, how’s that fair?” Reed asked, drawing my attention to him. I didn’t have time to react before he cupped the back of my neck and crushed my lips to his.
