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“Yes, Jordan. I’ll have my checkbook ready.”

“That’s the spirit!”

“We’re playing weddings now?” I asked.

“I’ll play whatever you want as long as you pay well,” Dash told him. “Think you can afford us, Dexen? I know you’re a Dremest and all, but the Ashfords and Meadows don’t come cheap.”

“We’ll see when I make you an official proposal for performing at my club.”

“There will be hot men in G-strings dancing to our music. It won’t take much convincing.”

“Speak for yourself,” Reed cut in. “I have all the men I need.”

“You do. I don’t.”

I shook my head and laughed, grateful the concert went well, and we were happy. It was a good night.



“What should we do for dinner?” Elic asked.

He worked late last night. The restaurant was packed with more people wanting to see him. To find out more about the man who caught my and Casper’s attention. Unfortunately, the public didn’t get a personal peek. Cadence kept Elic in the kitchen on dish duty, which he didn’t mind in the least. In there, he could control his environment and not have to worry about bumping into men or sticking to the sidelines.

By the time the place quieted and the last of the diners headed home, there was a hell of a mess to clean up. Casper and I offered our assistance but Cadence said it wasn’t necessary. So we waited up for Elic then got into the Jacuzzi tub I had in my bathroom, where we gave him lots of love and attention until he was blissfully sated and about to fall asleep in the heated water. Casper and I got him out, dried off, and tucked into bed with us in my room. Because that was where we belonged. Not separate, not apart, in the same bed every night.

There wasn’t a doubt in my mind I wanted them to live here permanently. Approaching it wouldn’t be as easy. Casper would have to give up his place. Not that he loved it. The penthouse was somewhere he went to when shit got hard, and he couldn’t handle it. We had to show him he didn’t need that anymore. If he had to take a break from us or others, there was plenty of room in this house he could escape to. Hell, he could go to the farmhouse and his old room to hide away.

Casper did great staying with us. Not once had I caught an inkling that he wanted to be elsewhere. There was still a part of me that waited for him to run again. It was drilled into me after so many occurrences.

Elic was different. He’d try to pay me for things repeatedly, which I wouldn’t take money for. Instead, he bought what we needed, like groceries, cleaning products, etcetera. Yes, I cleaned my home myself. I had a thing about my personal space. I didn’t want a stranger in it. This was my sanctuary, where I felt comfortable.

There was a worry inside me that Elic would want to move out and live on his own. If he did, I’d support him. I’d fucking hate it, but I wouldn’t force him to stay. If Elic was going to be here, I wanted him to because he desired it, because he couldn’t be without us.

“Reed?” Elic asked, bringing me back to the present.



“Oh, right. I hadn’t given it much thought. I can see what we have in the fridge.”

I was about to stand when there was a knock on the door.

Casper came downstairs from where he’d just gotten done taking a shower. He was out in the yard today, planting a couple more rose bushes for me after he went for a run. That was the stuff Casper did to show he cared. The things no one else saw because he didn’t do it to be noticed or thanked. He did it because he loved me.

Casper opened the door, revealing Dash on the other side in a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, with his hair pulled back into a bun. “Since when do you knock?” Casper asked.

“I don’t want to interrupt you three fucking. It would be a nice view, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t want to upset Elic.”

“Elic? What about Reed and me?”

“I’ve seen your bare asses before. I’ve even walked in on you two fucking. There’s nothing new there.”

Casper sighed. “What’s brought you by?”

“Dinner and talking.” He lifted white plastic take-out bags.

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