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“JJ Altair,” the other man said and offered his hand. His was rougher.

“Tristan Loft,” I replied.

Then JJ’s eyes swung to Dash and something like awe settled in.

“Don’t mind him,” Dexen said. “JJ has a total fanboy crush on Dash and the rest of the band.”

JJ gripped Dexen by the back of his neck and carefully pressed their foreheads together. Even with the music thumping, I was close enough to hear Dexen’s sharp intake of breath. “The only crush I have is on you and Greer, got it?”

“Yeah, Jordan, I got it.”



It was a typical Friday night at Untouchable. There was a large crowd sitting at tables, taking in the sights before them. The weekends always drew more members. Once they were done with work for the week, they showed up here to eat, drink, watch nearly naked men dance on stage, and relax.

I was my usual self and avoided everyone I could. If I didn’t love dancing so much, I’d find something else to do with my time. Technically, I didn’t need to work. My father had left me enough money, but I enjoyed doing this. There was nothing comparable to the freedom I felt on stage.

Tonight, I was going on after Dominic. He was hands down the best dancer I’d ever seen. In the years I’d been here, I’d learned a lot from him. Behind the stage, I stood a safe distance from an assistant who would go out and gather the clothes once each dancer took their exit. My wardrobe for the evening was a pair of black leggings that hugged my ass and did amazing things for my dick. I paired it with a flowy, sleeveless white tunic. When I spun, it fluttered around me and made me feel like I danced on a cloud. My G-string was white as well, with pearls for the string on my hips. Not down my ass because that would be really uncomfortable to dance in.

When I was younger, my mom asked if I wanted to do anything since I turned down sports every time she brought them up. For a few years, I did ballet. I didn’t love it, but I stuck with it until the teasing at school got to be too much. Once the other boys found out I liked to dance, they found every chance to tease me about it. If only they could see me now, and the amount of money I made in a single night dancing the way I wanted to. Pricks. I hoped they were rotting in a run-down bar somewhere with their beer guts and balding heads. That was an exaggeration. At twenty-three, I doubted they looked like that, but I kept the vision in my head anyway.

The music died down and Milo, tonight’s deejay, gave Dominic his exit. We called each other by our stage names and Dominic’s was Ocean. I didn’t bother with one. My legal name worked just fine for the stage. Some dancers did it for anonymity, which I understood. But with the way technology was now, it was easy to find someone if they really wanted to.

Dominic rode the high from being on stage when he walked to me, a grin lighting his face. “I saw some sexy men in the crowd,” he singsonged.

“I don’t need to ogle your men.” While I said little to those who worked here, I’d gotten semi-used to Dominic. As our talent manager, he was involved in all aspects of the dancers’ lives where they pertained to the club.

“Not my men. Yours.”

I started choking on air and the spit in my mouth. Dominic went to pat my back, but I moved away. I was fine with Tristan and Dash touching me. No one else. I didn’t want comfort, hugs, or well-natured pats on my back unless I was in danger of dying. There were days I wondered why Dexen kept me here. Then I remembered I was good at what I did. “I’m fine,” I coughed out.

“Your men are seated at a table with Greer and JJ.”

“I don’t have men.” I’d told no one I was dating Dash and Tristan. Work wasn’t social hour for me. I was a private person. Telling them about my life was a hard pass. I’d seen and heard how catty some dancers were.

Dominic propped his hand on his hip. “Really? Because a rumor spread a member of Ruined and Relinquished was in the audience and he brought a date. Now, that might not seem like a big deal, but a few of the others have been trying to figure out how to meet him without being obvious. And the one waiting on their table... Not so subtle.”

“Who?” I asked firmly.

The knowing grin Dominic gave me had my body tensing. “Not your men, huh?”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “No one’s flirting with him, are they?”

“No, but the talk from the others is real. If I were you, I’d make it known that badass drummer with the great hair is yours. And Tristan too. He’s the cutest.” Dominic winked and left as fast as he’d come. Fucker. He knew exactly what he was doing. Dominic was great as a manager, but I didn’t want him butting in.

Faintly I heard my name announced. It took the closest guard asking if I was okay before I got my shit together and went to the curtain to take my place. Dash and Tristan were out there. They must have gotten memberships. This was the first time Tristan would see me dance. The question was, did I want to claim them as mine?

“Did you see Dash Meadows in the audience?” I heard another dancer say from somewhere behind me. I didn’t turn to see who it was. My music started, and I had to focus.

The answer to my question hit with the force of a freight train. Yes, I wanted to claim them because I’d be damned if these assholes were going to put their hands on who’s mine.

From the time I took the stage to the time I exited it; I had one goal: to dance my heart out and prove to myself I was who Dash and Tristan wanted. It shouldn’t matter who flirted with them. They were going home with me.

I hadn’t realized how deeply I’d tucked myself away until Dash and Tristan came into my life. How I’d kept everyone at more than an arm’s length to protect myself. It wasn’t easy giving my heart to someone after the last time it broke. Love was still what I wanted. A partner to spend my life with. But in opening myself up, I’d allow that person, or people, to destroy me.

On early mornings—or late nights depending on how I looked at it—after I’d been home from the club for a while and tried to fall asleep, I’d open a notebook I used as a journal. A therapist had told me to write down what I felt, so I did.
