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Dash was able to smooth things over. There was a concert tomorrow night at a music festival where the band was headlining. Dash said he’d stay after and sign as many autographs as it took to make the label happy. He also invited Romeo and me along. I didn’t think Romeo would want to go, but he readily accepted once Dash told us we’d be backstage, not out front with the crowd. He also said we could stand with Elic and the other guys who were bound to tag along. Fortunately, Romeo was able to get the night off from work.

“Tristan,” I heard from behind me. That voice... It grated on every one of my nerves.

David had his dark hair styled away from his face with far too much product. I bet his hair was crunchy if he touched it. His eyes usually narrowed when he saw me, like I was doing something he wouldn’t approve of before he even knew what that was. I’d lost count of how many times I’d asked about being promoted to the next level, which was assistant manager. Every time he told me I wasn’t management material.

“Tristan,” he said again. This time, I turned to face him. He reminded me of a weasel with the shady way he did things. The last person he promoted barely showed up and lasted all of three months before she quit. Too much work, she had said. If I had to bet, David thought he could sleep with her after he promoted her. He didn’t know how much the people here hated him. If he wasn’t within earshot, the others would go on and on about how awful he was, just like they would about every other person who worked here. Backstabbing at its finest.

I plastered on a fake smile. “Yes, David?” I never raised my voice or said anything that could be taken the wrong way, and I was always nice to the customers.

“I haven’t seen you yet this morning.” That was because he only got here in the last fifteen minutes, even though his shift started when mine did over an hour ago.

“I wasn’t aware you were looking for me. What can I do for you?” Grab a rake for that shellacked mess on your head? Seriously, how did anyone think that was attractive? He could stand outside in a blizzard, and it wouldn’t move an inch.

“I was hoping you had time this afternoon to talk about your advancement opportunities within the company.” His lips twitched in what I thought he meant to be a smile, but looked more like someone who was coming down from a major high and getting twitchy.

I didn’t buy it. Why now, after all the times I’d asked to be considered? “I have lunch plans today.” Did I? No, but this was too easy, and he was trying to be too nice. Alarm bells went off in my head.

“After your shift ends?” His right eye twitched along with his lips. “Or do you have plans with your significant others? I wouldn’t want to intrude on that.”

It took everything in me to hold back my round of applause for the worst actor ever. What a piece of shit. He only wanted to promote me because of who I dated. Every single person in the assistant manager role was female, and they never lasted because David was a dirtbag and saw breasts instead of skills. He also knew how to say all the right words when upper management visited the store to check in on how things were running on the ground.

“I can’t believe you,” I said without thinking. Though maybe I’d finally had enough. I could get a job at any retail store in Dremest and beyond. I had years of experience. More than enough to fill a basic associate role. Yet I stuck it out here for the benefits. But I refused to listen to him use me for who I knew. I had enough of that with the men I’d dated in the past. And how many times had I filled in for others because I was dependable? Another way people used me. I was so done.

“Excuse me?” he asked, genuinely confused.

The door to the store opened, the little bell chiming to alert me to a new customer, but I didn’t give a fuck. I was going down in a blaze of glory.

“You only want to promote me because of who I’m dating,” I bit out. “You don’t give a shit about my exemplary attendance or the way I can soothe even the angriest customers. You act like I’m not good enough, when the reality is I could do your job much better than you can. I should have seen this coming. You were always out for yourself. How many people did you tell youknew one of Dash Meadows’ boyfriends? I’d ask if management put you up to this, but I think this is wholly you. More ways for you to look good.”

“I... I...” he stammered. He didn’t know what to do now that I stood up for myself. His eyes flicked over my shoulder, and I watched the blood drain from his face.

Turning, I locked eyes with none other than Jordan Altair Sr. “Tristan,” he greeted with a head nod. Ajax and Bruno flanked him.

“Jordan,” I said in return. “Are you looking for new clothes?” Everything he wore appeared tailored, so I highly doubted it.

“I came to look around.” Which was most likely code for he wanted to see what I did to further assess me as one of Romeo’s boyfriends. “Then I overheard your conversation.” His eyes left mine and went to David’s. “What’s your name?”

“David, sir, Mr. Altair, sir.” Oh, I liked this. David literally shook in fear while I grinned. It was my turn to shine, apparently.

“Was what Mr. Loft said true?”


“Tristan Loft. The employee you were speaking with.”

David’s eyes darted from Jordan to me, so I moved out of the way, putting me closer to Jordan than David. “I... I...” he stammered.

Jordan took a step closer to David. “You’re a disgrace. It’s no wonder this store doesn’t do more business. You’ve looked over someone who obviously wants to move up in favor of those who you want to do things for you. Now that Mr. Loft has a connection to someone famous, you want to get in his good graces and see what he can do for you.” Another step. “You’re a waste of space. An insect in my city. You’re lucky I don’t fucking squash you with the sole of my shoe,” he growled, getting right in David’s face. Sweat trickled down David’s temple. “I like theseshoes. They’re worth more than you are, so I’ll spare you. Today. Tristan?” Jordan didn’t take his eyes off of David.


“Do you enjoy working here?”

“It pays my bills.”

“That wasn’t what I asked.”

“No, I don’t.”
