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“Unless it’s a puppy, you can move along.”

That tripped him up. “You want a puppy? Bruno!” he snapped. “Find me the number of the best... What breed of dog would you like, Romeo?”

Shaking my head, I exited out of the game and dropped the controller on the seat next to me. “I don’t want one. Well, I do, but I don’t have the capacity to take care of it right now. If I did, I’d get it myself, but thanks for offering.”

“I’ll get you the finest of whatever breed you desire.” He would. That guilt he suffered ran deeper than I knew.

“What’s your surprise?” If it was the body of a person who cut me off with their car, I was kicking him out. Anything was possible where Jordan was concerned.

He lifted his arm and waved someone forward.

I turned in time to see Tristan in his work clothes walk across the room. “You brought me my boyfriend, who lives here?”

Jordan sighed. It was one of the signals I got to let me know I was pushing it. “Tristan quit his job.”

“Technically,” Tristan began. “You quit my job for me. I was merely a spectator.”

“You had input,” Jordan stated.

“To an extent.”

I stood and went to where Tristan was, which was a few feet from Jordan. “Did you want to quit your job?”

“Before I knew Jordan was standing behind me, I was kind of laying into my boss. At least as close as I could get to it. I’m not an angry guy, but he is horrible. I wouldn’t have been surprised if I got fired after what I’d said. Then again, he was talking about promoting me. It had everything to do with us being spotted out with Dash. I’m certain my manager thought he could gain something by being friendly and promoting me.”

“That’s bullshit,” I bit out. “You should have been promoted because of who you are and how well you do your job.”

“I don’t have breasts.”

That gave me pause. “Yes, I know this.”

“What I mean to say is that’s who he promotes. Women who wear figure-flattering clothes.”

I scrunched up my nose. “That’s wrong on so many levels.” Turning, I faced Jordan again. “So now what? You quit on Tristan’s behalf.”

“I also offered him a job.”

“No,” I said hard and fast. “No way is he working for you. I won’t have you endangering his life.”

Jordan cocked an eyebrow while Tristan wrapped his fingers around my arm to gently turn me toward him.

“Romeo, it’s okay,” Tristan said. “I wouldn’t do that stuff anyway. He offered me a job as his stylist.”

“You’re going to cut his hair?”

“No.” He chuckled. “I’ll help with his clothes.” Fuck, I was off the mark today. “I can’t tailor anything, but I can help with design choices. It sounds like a lot more fun than what I was doing.”

“Are you sure this is what you want?”

“As long as I don’t end up with my feet in cement and pushed over a bridge, I’ll be fine.”

“I’ve never done such a thing,” Jordan stated primly. “I simply shoot those who wrong me or try to hurt who’s mine.”

“That’s not any better,” I growled. “He could get hurt working for you. Do you have any idea how many men have walked all over him, and here you are doing the same thing?”

“I gave him a choice.”

“Did you, or did you persuade him to take the job?”
