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“When I saw you enter the stage tonight, I thought you needed wings. It would have made you a dark, sinful angel who descended to earth just for me.”

It took a monumental effort not to gape. I had to leave the angel part to focus on the wings. “I’ve never considered that.”

“Maybe a halo too.”

I shoved his chest lightly. “You’re pushing it.”

He sat up and eased me off him before going to knock on the door I entered through. It quickly opened. “Hey, man. Can you get a bottle of juice or something?”

“Is everything okay?” Simon asked and peered around Dash to me.

“We’re fine,” I said. “My sugar dropped.”

His eyes got big. “Are you diabetic? We didn’t have that down anywhere.”

“No. Just skipped a meal or two.”

“I’ll have Dana make you something.”

Before I could tell him not to bother the club’s chef, he was gone. I sighed and leaned back. Great. Dexen was going to make a thing of this. I didn’t want anyone fussing over me. I’d rather fade to the background when not dancing, where I was safe and unnoticed.

Dash returned to my side on the couch. “Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You need food. I’ll stay with you to make sure you’re okay.”

“I’m sure you have somewhere else to be.”

“Only my empty house.” He grinned.

“No,” I said firmly. There was no way I was going home with him. The thought was there. He was sexy and smelled good. But I came with too much baggage to bring it to his doorstep.

He held up his hands. “I wasn’t pushing for anything.”

That got a genuine smile out of me. Honesty shone from him; no lie detected.

We talked for a bit, more than I’d talked with anyone else except…

No, I wasn’t thinking his name, or he’d show up and try to take me to the hospital because my sugar dropped. Family could be rough sometimes, found and blood.

Simon returned with Dexen in tow. I had to assure him I was okay. He eyed Dash, who was still shirtless.

“I was hot, Dex. Leave me be. Fuck’s sake,” Dash grumbled.

Dexen looked at me and I nodded, which seemed to placate him. He didn’t need to know I was cuddling on the couch with Dash. That was between Dash and me.

After I ate and felt more balanced, Dash and I were alone in the room again with the door closed. I was about to ask him if—fuck, I didn’t know. I didn’t want the night to end, yet the warning bells in my head were saying to keep a distance between us.

Dash decided for me by kissing the back of my hand and leaving with a parting smile. If I wanted to find him, I could. And he knew where I worked.



“It was very nice of you to invite me,” I said to Elic as I hovered outside the door to Ashford’s Steakhouse. His boyfriends’ family owned the establishment.

I hadn’t been to the restaurant before and couldn’t help but admire how clean the building was. The white color on the outside was pristine. The natural wood pillars which stood on either side of the entryway could have been just carved for how fresh they looked. A dark green metal roof gave the place a pop of color, as did the matching front door.

“I was glad you reached out,” Elic told me. “I was wondering how you were doing.”

Elic Thatcher was the stepson of a man I foolishly gave my heart to. Not only did I fall for Oscar’s lies, but I moved in with him and covered the bills for his home because he couldn’t work due to issues with his back. Though I wasn’t sure how much of what he’d told me was the truth.
