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Dexen’s men bracketed him, Greer on one side with his smile firmly in place. JJ looked like he belonged in a biker bar with his leather jacket and boots rather than a dance club with lights bouncing and bass thumping.

I saw Dominic drag Peyton and Perry to the dance floor, though Perry kept eyeing the door like he was planning his escape. Xaiden stood beside us, giving off atouch them and dievibe while he kept possessive hands on Corbin and Val. Although, Val gave off the same vibe as he watched men give Cody, their adopted son, appreciative glances.

At nineteen, Cody couldn’t drink and had a glow in the dark wristband and stamp to prove it. What I didn’t miss was the way Cody’s eyes kept drifting to Slater. Oh, what a tangled web that would weave.

To add an extra level of fun to our group, two more dancers from Untouchable joined us. Sierra, whose real name was Hale and Diesel, whose name was Danny, came along. Their shifts at Dexen’s club were done for the night. They brought their partner, Simon, with them. If I thought Xaiden was protective, he had nothing on Simon. It was like Simon was here to guard everyone in our group.

How Dexen coordinated this whole adventure, I wasn’t sure, but once I caught wind of it, I knew we had to join them. And so, I said it would be a team building, bonding thing and guilted the band to come.

Guilt still ate at me though, because Romeo looked like he wanted to run faster than Perry did from the club.

“Do you think they’ll get used to us?” Cody asked loudly to be heard over the music.

We drew the attention of half the club, at least. The rest were too busy with their fun or too drunk to give a shit about us. Yes,our band easily pulled eyes our way. Add in the super wealthy with Dexen, Xaiden, and Perry. Plus, that Dexen and Xaiden were the namesakes of this very city. Then there was JJ who came with his own reputation, even though it was the furthest from the truth. I couldn’t forget Bruno and another guy whose name I didn’t get, standing behind us withI’ll kill youlooks on their faces.

“No,” I replied. “Not a chance.”

A sudden roar rose from the crowd on the floor. I shouldn’t have been surprised to see Dominic in the middle of it. He was a ball of energy. Hale was by his side. They were winding the crowd up and dancing together. Perry and Peyton weren’t in the middle, though if I had to bet, they weren’t far. They were both extremely possessive of Dominic. Not that I blamed them.

“Okay, enough of this,” I said and started weaving through the sea of people to get to the VIP section. I’d called ahead and said I was bringing a large party. They readily accommodated us.

A roped-off area sat to the far left. A bouncer nodded to us as we walked through, our never-ending train of people. We took up three of the five semi-circle booths. Elic and Romeo sat next to each other and started talking, safely tucked in the booth between us. Tristan sat beside me with his arm around Romeo and I had Tristan’s hand in mine. Slater sat to my right, his eyes searching the dance floor. Casper and Reed were on Elic’s other side.

“Who are you looking for?” I asked, leaning close so my brother could hear me. A certain Dremest son was currently missing from our group. I scanned until I found Dominic, who had an arm around Cody and was dancing with him and the others. Apparently, Cody wasn’t the only one with an interest.

Slater turned to me. “No one.”

“Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that.”

He relaxed against the seat. His hair falling onto his forehead. “I’m just making sure he’s okay. He’s too young to be here.”

“He’s got enough protection with his fathers.”

“The men will eat him alive.”

“Cody is old enough to take care of himself.” I didn’t know the whole story but gathered bits and pieces from the others.

Cody’s parents were shot in front of him. His dad died there, but his mom was taken to the hospital where Corbin was on shift. Unfortunately, Corbin couldn’t save her. Cody was in the ER and met Corbin that day. Xaiden officially adopted both Cody and his sister recently, with Cody’s sister still being a minor. What Cody and his sister had been through had no doubt left scars on their souls.

The man on the dance floor didn’t show signs of that trauma, which was a testament to Xaiden, Val, and Corbin. He must have had a lot of hell to work through. Seeing him now, with his arms raised and a smile on his face, he couldn’t have found a better family.

A server stopped by our tables to take our drink orders. Most of us spent time in the VIP section while some flitted in and out. Dominic eventually left the dance floor with Hale, Danny, and Cody in tow. Peyton, Perry, and Simon followed, seeming to relax the second they were in the closed-off section with the rest of us.

Dominic collapsed down beside Slater at the end of our booth while the others took a different table. Muscles popped beneath Dominic’s skintight black crop top. Dominic wasn’t ripped like Peyton, but his stomach was defined, and his arms and chest were cut with muscles that suited his slender frame. His matching black pants molded to his skin without showcasing his cock.

I’d seen Dominic dance before. He was a feast for the eyes. My angel was way hotter though.

Reaching for Romeo, I waited until he put his hand in mine in front of Tristan and held his gaze. “Doing okay?”

Romeo picked up his glass with his free hand. Only a bit of amber liquid sat at the bottom. “One more of these and I’ll get on the floor with Dom.”

“Hell yeah!” Dominic shouted. “Let me hydrate and I’ll be ready to go.” He was out of his seat and swaying his hips toward Peyton and Perry, who sat close with their eyes on him.

“You don’t have to dance,” Tristan said to Romeo.

“Why come if I’m just going to sit here? I love to dance and can usually let everything else go while I move.”

“But this isn’t Untouchable,” I told him. “There’s a lot of people here.”
