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The crowd stared when they noticed Dash. They didn’t care about me or Tristan or Dominic. Greer’s size might have been a deciding factor though.

We kept weaving through the sea of people until we got to where there was space for us to dance. I did my best to steady my breathing and let the beat of the music wash over me.

Dominic stayed in front of me, his eyes on mine. “It’s only us, Romeo,” he said over the music. “You know how to move. Let go with me.” His hands went to my hips, and he guided me until I found the groove and didn’t need his direction any longer.

Dash pressed to my back, his hands running up and down my sides. I caught Tristan dancing with Greer out of the corner of my eye.

My eyes slid closed as my hips swayed and I let my body do what it was born to. Surrounded by people who cared about me, I could push the panic down enough to where I could enjoy myself. To where I could feel like it was just us and the music. If there was anything I knew how to do, it was dance.

Tristan’s laugh had my eyes opening. Greer spun him and Tristan smiled with such open joy. Perry had joined us at some point. The way Dominic ground on him had Perry’s eyes hooding with lust. He wasn’t much of a dancer, but with a partner like Dominic, he didn’t need to be.

Turning in Dash’s arms, I looped my arms around his neck and pressed my nose to his skin. Even in a room full of strangers, I found comfort in Dash’s scent, his touch, his heartbeat, where it fluttered against my lips.

“God, angel, the way you move,” he said, his lips pressed to my ear. His dick was hard against me, driving my desire to the surface. “I want to swallow you whole.”

Tristan eventually joined us, wrapping his arms around Dash from behind. We danced together through song after song. With every new beat, more of the panic fell away until I was happy. Me. Happy in a crowded room. All because I had the men I loved and an extended family who accepted me as theirs.

It wasn’t until the surrounding noise grew louder that I came back to reality at the same time my men did. Dash’s arms tightened on me and the next thing I knew, we were running, fighting through others trying to run too.

Two shots rang out in rapid succession. People crowded the front door, but Dash pivoted at the last minute and shoved Tristan and me toward a back hallway, past the bar where only a few were heading. We ran as fast as we could. I had one hand on Tristan’s and Dash had his palm on my back.

A door with an exit sign glowing above it loomed ahead. We didn’t stop until I shouldered open the door and burst into the night. Dash pulled me and Tristan, urging us down the street in the opposite direction of his SUV. We wouldn’t have been able to leave that way because of the high volume of people rushing out the main exit.

Suddenly, a man jumped out in front of us, causing us to grind to a halt. A gun was in his hand with it pointed at my forehead. A black mask covered his face from the top of his head down his neck, but his eyes held mine, dark and menacing.

“I’ve got them,” he said.

Dash tried to move Tristan and me behind him, but the second he did, the gun got closer until it pressed against my skin.

I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move. Panic robbed my lungs of air. The gun could go off and I’d be dead. No future with Dash and Tristan. No seeing my mom again.

A black SUV with tinted windows screeched to a stop beside us, the vehicle so dark I couldn’t see through the windshield.

“Get in,” the guy with the gun said. “All of you or I’ll kill him.”

Doing as he said, we got into the SUV. The door wasn’t even closed before it took off. In the seat behind us sat another masked guy with a gun. The one from the street sat in front beside the driver with his gun pointed at me.

“What do you want?” Dash asked.

“For you to not talk. You’ll find out the details soon enough.”

Tristan’s hand gripped mine tightly. If I wasn’t so scared, it would hurt.

“You want me,” I said, the shake prominent in my voice. “Let them go. I’ll do whatever you say.” I didn’t care about myself. They mattered. If they got hurt or worse, because someone had me in their sights, I’d never forgive myself.

“We want all of you. You’re each valuable in your own way. Now shut the fuck up,” he growled.

The city rushed by in a blur. I kept my eyes trained on the front, which was how I knew we were about to cross out of West Dremest into East. It was foolish of whoever this was to enter Jordan’s territory with guns held to our heads.

Which reminded me… What happened to the guards who watched us tonight? Did they get lost in the shuffle? Or did these guys take them out?

Fuck, I hoped they were alive. Their blood wouldn’t be on my hands, but it would be because of me. There was a reason these guys targeted us. I just wished I knew what it was so I could figure out what the next steps were.

The SUV eventually drove past Jordan’s building, almost like a fuck you to the man inside. Either Bruno or Tye relayed to him what happened, or they were dead, and Jordan still didn’t have a clue what took place. Whichever, Jordan knew I was going to the club tonight. He’d eventually find out shots were fired there.

My phone remained silent in my pocket, not vibrating, not doing anything. I’d silenced it before leaving for the club. There would have been no point in having the sound on if I couldn’t hear it ring, but I could at least feel it vibrate.

Tonight was supposed to be fun. A way for me to push myself while also staying in the safety of Dash and Tristan. I could finally be with a room full of people and not have a complete meltdown. That said a lot about how far I’d come.

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