Page 18 of There All Along

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Feeling like the love of his life isn’t ready for marriage, Jonas makes the difficult decision to break up with Kyle, despite how he knows it will break him.

When both Jonas’s and Kyle’s families grow worried about them moping around, they set them up for a day of speed dating. Neither want to do it but give in anyway.

They don’t expect the hilarity that ensues, nor to come face to face with each other once more. As the oldfeelings resurface, one realizes he made a mistake. The other is terrified of further heartbreak.

Now they both face a life-changing decision. Will they follow their head or heart?

Coming Soon!

Sneak Peek Into Second Time Around

Chapter One

Snuggling further into the Sherpa wool blanket he’d confiscated from his parents' guest room, Kyle watched his mother, Ruth, carefully rearrange the mountain of presents that was stacked next to the fireplace. A new gift had arrived, and heaven forbid it wasn’t placed in the perfect spot. Never mind that he needed to send everything back. Instead of thank you notes, he would be mailing out “sorry, the wedding is canceled” cards.

When Jonas first suggested they both needed to figure things out before they got married, Kyle thought it was temporary. He envisioned a couple of therapy sessions to tweak whatever was supposedly wrong with them, and they’d go back to planning the perfect wedding. Jonas had nixed joint counseling sessions, insisting they sort their personal issues out before tackling their relationship ones. It had sounded so simple, like whatever was wrong wasn’t that big of a deal... until it was. The ‘I can’t do this anymore’ felt like a sucker punch.

Tears blurred his vision, his nose started to run, and the ache in his heart intensified. 'I'm so stupid,' he sniffled, burying his face in the softness of the blanket. Instead of actually trying to figure things out and salvage his relationship, he’d brushed it aside.

“You need to start thinking about telling people the wedding is off.” Ruth stood over the sofa, her arms crossed over her chest.

“I will,” he mumbled.

“You could at least try to sound more convincing when you say it.” his mother sighed, dropping into one of the wingback chairs that sat near the fireplace.

“Golly mom, I can’t wait to tell everyone that the man I love no longer loves me and that after months of letting me think we could work things out officially broke up with me the month before our wedding.”

A sigh escaped his mother’s lips. “I know it hurts but-”

“You don’t know,” Kyle snapped. For the first time in his life he felt like his mother didn’t understand him, and it sucked. What sucked even more was he couldn’t talk to his twin sister Josie either; she was so wrapped up in a happy bubble with her new boyfriend Hank it was like Kyle and his broken heart no longer existed. ‘You’re not being fair,’ an inner voice chided, ‘she asks you how you’re doing every day, you tell her you’re fine, and if she questions you on it you get pissy.’

“You might be surprised by what I know.” Ruth stared at him, a sad expression marring her pretty face. “Josie and Hank are coming over for dinner. Aunt Beckett too.”

“Let me guess, you want me to put on a happy face.”

“No, but it would be nice if you took a shower. You’re starting to smell.”

Annoyance shot through Kyle, his cheeks flushing as he pushed himself into a sitting position. “Whatever.” He ran ahand over his blonde hair, grimacing at how greasy the strands felt. He didn’t need to sniff a pit to know he was starting to smell musty. A shower wouldn’t hurt, but he wasn’t going to admit that to his mother. “I don’t think I’m in the mood for company.” He wasn’t in the mood to sit by, watching Josie and Hank share secret smiles, hold hands, or do any of the other crap loved up couples do. He wanted to stay happy for his sister, not resent her.

“Kyle Lee Heiner, you’re going to march your stinky ass into that bathroom, take a shower, and put on some clean clothes. Then you’re going to join your family for dinner. End of story.” The bite in his mother’s tone was one he hadn’t heard since he was twelve.

“I’m not a kid,” he muttered.

“No, you’re not, but you’re certainly acting like one.” Raising her chin a notch, Ruth stared at him. “Jonas broke your heart, and it sucks but holing up on my couch, refusing to bathe or spend time with the people who love you isn’t going to change that.” He opened his mouth, ready to tell her that she didn’t know what she was talking about, only to have her shut him down with one look.

Ducking his head, Kyle kept his eyes focused on ragged nails. He plucked at the hem of his light gray sweatshirt. “I know he’s not coming back, that I need to tell people we’re not…,” his voice trails off, and his gaze turns towards the pile of presents by his mother. Jonas had been kind about not pressing him to announce the wedding was off, but Kyle knew his lack of action was probably pissing off his ex. He was kind of surprised Jonas hadn’t taken matters into own hands.

“Maybe instead of focusing on what you’ve lost, you should focus on what you have. You’re always talking about adding new classes at the studio. Maybe now’s a good time.”

His mother made it sound so easy. Forget that the man he loved had left him, focus on his studio. If it were that easy, he would be at the studio teaching three year olds how to point their toes and spin. Instead, Josie was there. She’d picked up the slack with all the classes and most of his private students. He’d received enough texts praising his sister to know she was doing a solid job. The texts asking if how his ankle was doing were another matter. He didn’t know how to respond. The broken ankle lie had been Josie’s doing. It had felt wrong at first, but it had also bought him some much needed time to mourn the break-up.

“Josie mentioned it’s almost time for the spring recital. Maybe planning that will help take your mind off things.”

Swapping wedding planning for recital planning. Sounded like a blast. Not. Kyle frowned. What was wrong with him? Recitals were one of his favorite parts of teaching dance. He’d always loved selecting the perfect theme and then choreographing routines that brought it all together.

“Yeah, sure,” he mumbled. “Sounds like fun.” The lie didn’t taste as sour as he expected. Maybe there was something to what his mother was saying. Maybe he just needed to divert energy towards what he still had left.

“Great.” Ruth smiled. “Now, please, for the love of God go take a shower.”

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