Page 102 of Mafie Queen

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Exasperated, I lean back on my hands to think about all of this. Eventually, I get to my feet. Opening the pin pad near Ivan's door, I click the buttons to open it.

“I will love your son until my last breath, but you deserve to love him too. Boris also needs to hear this from you. If for no other reason than the fact that I don’t want to be the one to tell him.”

I open the door and Ivan’s arms band around me. He smells like actual shit, so I tap his back and move out of his embrace.

“Thank you,” he breathes, nearly falling over in front of me.

“Don’t thank me yet. We have a lot of explaining to do.”

Chapter 36

At this point, I am used to not sleeping. However, I do not take great joy in waking up my little fox when she is resting so peacefully.

I gently shake her shoulder, and she nearly flies up out of the bed, terror written all over her face until she sees it is only me. I make a mental note to ask about that later, but for now it seems there is something important Evie needs to tell us.

“Hey, sorry to wake you. Evie just called and said she had something important to tell me. I wanted to give you the option to be there.”

She takes a breath and climbs out of bed, her nipples pebbling under her white crop top. I dotrynot to stare, but this woman is a goddess like no other.

She walks to her dresser and opens up her top drawer, then immediately shuts it looking like a child hiding candy.

“What is in the drawer, Ness?”

She rolls her lip then catches the bottom one with her teeth.

“Nothing,” she says, swaying her hips and momentarily distracting me. I quickly snap back to it though.

“Show me or I will just find out for myself.”

She sighs and opens the drawer to reveal the three sweatshirts and four t-shirts I lent her. It’s only then I realize she is also in my boxers, which I do not remember giving her.

Nessa’s face turns the color of her hair as she takes one of the sweatshirts and throws it on as if it were hers now.

“Care to explain?” I ask, gesturing to the drawer but staring at my boxers around her waist. She turns to look in the mirror and grabs a hair tie.

“Not even a little bit.” She pulls her hair up in a messy bun that makes her look even younger than twenty-four, which almost gives me pause. Almost.

“Did you steal these?” I move behind her and caress her ass decorated with my underwear.

“No,” she says quietly. “They were just in my drawer one day and now I like to wear them to bed.”

“They just appeared here?” I say, holding back a laugh.

“Yup.” She pops the ‘p’ as if she wholeheartedly expects me to believe my boxers now contain magical teleportation powers.

I smirk at her in the mirror as I wrap my hand around the waistband, then lightly snap it back.

“My clothes look good on you.”

“I know,” she says. Her confidence is just one of the many things about her I am falling in love with.

She pushes her ass back into me, grinding into my hard length and moaning. “How long until we have to go down?”

We stayed at the estate tonight since we had plans for the weekend. I had her closet here stuffed with comfortable clothes that should keep her nice and warm. The vaulted ceilings in the estate make the atmosphere feel chilly. But now I wish I had just given her my things because seeing her in my boxers and hoodie has me more than tempted.

“They are already here,” I whisper as I pull her closer to me.

Nessa spins in my hold, scolding me with her eyes.
