Page 137 of Mafie Queen

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“She had me and… fudge.” She sounds out of breath and terrified. “She had me in her car when Havoc shot out her tires. The car crashed. She tried to get away, but Arrow pulled up in another car and was able to shoot her in the leg.”

Holy shit. Not only did someone manage to get onto the property, but they also nearly managed to take out my best friend in the process.

“Laney, fuck, are you okay?”

She laughs, but it’s shaky and my heart hurts for her.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Can you guys just get here? Havoc has her tied up in the basement with Arrow.”

“They just left you alone?” I ask, exacerbated as I throw on some shoes to go with the shorts and t-shirt. It’s cold outside, but I don’t want to ruin any of my pants with blood. Plus, who likes to wear blood-soaked pants during an interrogation? Not this girl.

“No, Ness is with me. We’ve all been staying pretty close since everything with Boris.”

Alexi walks out of his closet, dressed impeccably in a navy three-piece suit. I eye him and mouth ‘You’re wearing that?’.

He just shrugs while I just shake my head. Lev and Damien walk out of their closets both in gym shorts. Damien is in a black tank top that says ‘Fuck around and get fucked’, and Lev is in a plain white t-shirt. Alexi grabs his tablet from the bed and scrolls through something.

“When did this all happen?” I ask.

“Um, probably fifteen, maybe twenty minutes ago.”

Alexi nods while she gives me more information on what happened. The estate is supposed to be Fort fucking Knox, better even.How did someone just slip through?

“Got it,” Alexi says, pulling up a video as we all get into the black Escalade. It’s not the fastest car, but the entire body is bulletproof and the tires are filled with a substance that will plug holes if someone were to shoot at the tires. So, it’s definitely the safest. And after what happened at the cemetery, we aren’t taking any chances.

Alexi hands me the tablet as he starts the car. I’m in the front next to him, so I hold the feed for Damien and Lev to see in the back.

A girl with ink-black hair stumbles into the frame, appearing completely non-threatening. When the guard approaches her, she falls to the ground, her body language changes in an instant. She strikes out with a knife that seemed to come out of nowhere. In less than ten seconds, the man is on the ground bleeding out.

We watch as the cameras follow her through the property as if she had a mental map. She moves around motion detectors and over traps I didn’t even know were there, but Damien points them all out.

“How the fuck did she figure this out?” Lev asks as we watch her walk straight through the back door as if she owned the place. A smile touches her lips as she flips off the camera in the kitchen, then proceeds to navigate the maze of a mansion better than I ever have.

“Holy shit,” I breathe, watching her walk right up to Laney’s room. My sweet friend only just started sleeping in her own room again this week. I have a strong feeling that’s about to change. Havoc’s room is right next to hers and Arrows is across from them both. I’m guessing Nessa stays in one close by too.

A light appears to come from Arrow’s room just as the raven-haired girl exits the room with Laney thrown over her shoulder. Damn, she’s strong. Arrow must have seen something, because in an instant, he’s in the hall in his wheelchair yelling for Havoc. The feed doesn’t catch her getting into a car, but Laney filled me in on what happened after that.

We all sit there utterly speechless over how well this random woman knew the property and the house.

“Batman, who could have moved like that on your father's property?”

He shakes his head, but Lev is the one to speak up. He brought his laptop and has been typing away while watching the feed.

“She’s a literal ghost. No facial recognition on any database in the world. I’ve never seen someone this untraceable before. I ran her image through an algorithm that scans most surveillance cameras, which backs up to wifi, and not even that found her. “

“Maybe she has a very carefully crafted face on? Like Mission Impossible?” Damien suggests.

Lev shakes his head, and Alexi rolls his eyes so hard I’m surprised our car stays on the road.

“This isn’t a movie, D,” Lev says.

Damien huffs in annoyance as we pull up to the estate, but I hesitate to get out of the car.

“What if this is a trap?” I ask.

“How could this be a trap, Princess?” He isn’t asking with an attitude, more like he wants to know what I’m thinking.

“She knew this property like the back of her hand; she had the ins and outs of everything. Plus, she got a car almost off of the property before Havoc got to her. You’re telling me Arrow was just able to take her down that easily?”
