Page 142 of Mafie Queen

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I cover my mouth with my free hand in shock. Dr. K nods her head as sorrow fills her features.

“I fought them, reported them, and did everything in my power to have the remaining child removed from the house. They came after me, targeted my family and friends. I went into hiding with members of the Italian mafia and helped some of the children in their families deal with trauma. But I never forgot about that boy.”

“What did you do?” I ask. Lev lays the stencil over my skin. “Wait, are you already done?”

He smiles. “You did great, Lucky Charm.”

When he removes the paper, I turn my arm around. I can’t even feel it. Relief washes over me that this didn’t cause an episode.

“Do you want me to finish?” Dr. K asks.

“Yes, I want to know the rest.” I return my attention to her as Lev starts up his tattoo gun.

“A few years back, I went searching for him. I left my job and decided I would save him if it was the last thing I did. The boy’s father had been murdered, but his mother rose in power and became a woman I couldn’t risk getting too close to.”

“Who is she?” I ask, ready to go on a killing spree for this poor boy. Or I guess he would be a man now.

She shakes her head. “This is not your fight. Alexi has tried to get me to open up but this is my mistake. While I will accept hisassistance with a job and protection from his organization, this is something I need to do myself.”

I can understand her point. Besides, it is not my job to slay everyone’s demons.

“So, what happened next?”

“The woman figured out I was onto her. She sent men after me and that’s when I found Alexi. I began doing online counseling for extra cash and to stay hidden. Through getting to know him, I figured out who he was and asked for his help. All I wanted was a stable job so that I could have the funds to go after this enemy myself. He agreed.”

I look back at my dark knight and let my body lean into his when Lev removes the needle to get more ink.

“Through the grapevine, I found her child was taken from her about a year after I left. I’m still searching for him, but I will find him and bring him under my protection. Then, I’ll help him take down his mother. If that is what he wants.”

I smile at the therapist that has helped get me through so much. Without her, I wouldn’t be here. As strong as I am, I know I can hold it together because of the plethora of tools she has given me. Without her, my mind would have fractured.

“You’re a good person, Dr. K. I hope you know that if you ever need my help, I’ll be here.”

She reaches out and touches my leg.

“Thank you, Evie. It has been a pleasure working with all of you.”

She sits back in her chair, getting comfortable. I guess she’s going to stay until Lev is finished. I like that though. It is always comforting to have her close. She is almost like a mother figure to me at this point.

“You know,” she says. “I thought working for the mafia would look very different.”

“What is it that you pictured?” Alexi asks.

“More guns?”

We all fall into a fit of laughter. If only she knew just how many guns are stored on this property. Then again, maybe she knows and just has very high expectations for the underworld.

Chapter 48

The participants of the round table all gather the next day to start strategizing. We carefully divide everyone based on skill. Evie and I will supervise training in all departments. Damien and Havoc are overseeing combat, Lizz is working with the sharpshooters while Nessa hides out at the house since she’s supposed to be dead.

Laney and Lev are working on hacking alongside Mac. We found out, with some careful research, that the only way we can erase the hits that are now out on all of us is to reverse them in Adrik’s secure system. For that, we need to be able to get into his personal computer, the one he keeps with him at all times.

The Triads are also here, Akio bringing in reinforcements to back us up. They are working on some flying now that Evie has told us her plan for taking down her uncle.

At first, none of us wanted to agree. Evie insisted we vote on it, and now we have a plan. For the first time ever, Damien and Evie had a yelling match. They went toe to toe about what sacrifice means in this war. Most of the group stayed inside while they fought it out. But even then, they could hear them through the walls.

“I don’t want to do this, Evie,” Damien yells, pacing the parking lot. I hate to hear him use her name. “You do not get to just make a vote over something like this. We should all have a say here!”
