Page 16 of Mafie Queen

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“How did I protect him if he’s in a fucking coma?” He throws his hands out again, pacing.

“Are you done?” I ask when he starts to slow.

His nostrils flare, but he nods as he takes my hand and moves us to sit by each other.

“You protected Arrow by being there for him, providing for him. You kept him safe and taught him to protect himself and the ones he loves. You protected him by teaching him that sacrifice is noble. If that shot would have hit Laney, she would be dead. But it didn’t and he still has a fighting chance. He wouldn’t have that if Laney was gone though.”

He thinks over my words before turning to me. “How are you so wise for such a young woman?”

I laugh, wincing slightly as it pulls at my tender flesh. Boris hands me some pain meds Doc left behind and I take them.

“Age is just a number,” I say as I wrap my hand in his. “Wisdom comes from experience and I’ve experienced a lot.

It’s his turn to chuckle before we sit in silence, letting our emotions flow through us, allowing us to process them slow and unhurried.

“If you won’t go back to the hospital, then what can I get you to agree to?”

“Well, let’s start with a discussion. You know, where we talk like equals and come up with a plan together. Not one of those moments where you talk at me and I have to keep putting youin your place until we circle back around and find a happy medium.”

He leans forward and puts his face in his hands before finally turning to me with a look of regret etched on his features. Taking his hand in mine, I give it a light squeeze to silently reassure him before he says,

“Together, then.”



Hours later, we finally come to an agreement. I will stay in his office suite with him and rest for the first part of the day in the guest bedroom. Then in the afternoons, I will come out and help him with business.

He wants to give me a position with him, and I want to learn all I can since I no longer have ties to my father. I’ve always found Boris’ organization fascinating with the level of pull he has around the world. It’s why I originally wanted to work with him.

He’s ordering me a desk to go in his office and we will start tomorrow. I love my new bedroom and can’t imagine what his room looks like if I have the guest room and it’s this huge. I know I’m an Irish mafia princess and I have been spoiled my whole life, but the Russians have a very different meaning of the word.

Boris already ordered me an entire new wardrobe, and as much as I don’t like handouts, I was not going to say no to purple leather Louis Vuitton shoes. While Evie and Alexi rock the black and red of the mafia, and Laney has her own style with pinks so bright they burn your eyes, I prefer a deep purple.

I forgo unpacking the rest of the clothes into the walk-in closet, which is nearly the size of my old bedroom, in favor of finding food.

My stomach is growling, the pain pills Doc left for me are not settling well.

When I get to the large kitchen, I freeze when I see Boris standing there holding two bowls with a reddish-purple substance in them. It smells interesting, but what’s even more interesting is that the very composed mafia leader I’ve come to know is standing in front of me in sweatpants and a t-shirt.

The only time I saw him out of a suit was when he finished at the gym while we planned the trials. But I never got to see the freshly showered silver fox in sweatpants.

Holy fork, Ness stop looking at his dick.

I raise my eyes to meet his and he smirks, knowing exactly what I was doing but not calling me out for it. He gestures for me to sit where he places a bowl and I do.

“Is this how you hoped things would go?” he asks as he takes a seat himself. It feels weird being here with no one else around. He doesn’t have chefs, butlers, or staff here. The only person that has a key comes to clean once a day.

Other than that, it’s just the two of us. It feels oddly intimate. Well, other than the fact that his secretary is right next door and will call him anytime he has an ‘important’ matter to attend to. Which isoften.

“I think we are making progress with talking to each other as equals,” I smirk as I take a bite of my Borscht, which is surprisingly good. “How did you even make this?”

I nearly moan around the food. Boris pauses mid-bite to watch me. Then, he coughs when I look at him expecting an answer.

“It’s a secret family recipe.”

I eye him and then look around the kitchen. “My shower was less than twenty minutes ago, and I only unpacked an eighth of the clothes you got me, which I will be paying you back for by theway. You seem to have prepared an entire meal and cleaned up in that amount of time?”
