Page 62 of Mafie Queen

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I don’t love how everything happened between us, and I want to make it up to her. Hurting her is never something I want to do, and even though it was an accident, I also need to remind us both of who I am.

We arrive at the house and when Evie says she’s going to go shower, Damien pulls me to the side, Alexi right behind him.

“You okay, babe?” His tone is light but his grip on me is firm.

“Yeah, I just had a moment back there.”

“A moment where you hurt her,” Alexi throws in as if I didn’t already feel like shit.

“Yeah and I apologized. It wasn’t on purpose,” I snap back at him.

Damien’s grip gets tighter around my arms.

“You don’t drag her from a room like that ever again, got it?”

I glare at him. “You and I both know she could have easily walked away from me if she wanted to. I had a moment, D. I thought I was going to lose her again and panicked.”

Understanding flashes across his features and his hand finally softens. Alexi seems to get it too because they both give me space.

“You both know I’d never hurt her on purpose. But the idea of her running back into the line of fire really got to me. I think my brain is still coming to terms with the fact that she’s here right now, safe.”

Damien nods and Alexi loosens his tie. Relief washes over me when they don’t go for my throat. They have every right to because I’d do the same if either of them hurt her. But I’m thankful they are understanding.

“We felt it too, the fear,” Damien says. Alexi inclines his head in agreement.

“Go,” Alexi says. “She needs you right now too. You could see it in the car and when she went to shower. She did not want to leave your side.”

I look up the stairs towards her room.

“None of us have stayed the night since she’s been here.”

Damien claps a hand on my shoulder in support.

“It makes sense it would be you, babe. You were the first one to stay with her before. The first of us to earn her trust and her love. It should be you.”

I lean in and pull him close to kiss him. He’s grown and changed so much in just the past two months. I’m so fucking proud of him and so crazy in love with him.

“I love you,” I breathe as we break the kiss.

“Love you too, babe.” He smacks my ass as I turn around. “Go get our girl.”

A smile spreads across my face as I ascend the stairs to her room. There’s the sound of a shower running, and I notice she’s left the door cracked open. Evie never leaves doors open without a purpose.

Making the trek across her room, I peek into the steam filled en suite bathroom. Her naked body comes into view behind the glass of the shower, and a small bruise is noticeable on the thigh without the tattoo. Remorse and guilt try to consume me, but she doesn’t let me stand there for long.

“Get in here, Ghost.”

Rationally, I know she’s not mad at me, but the amount of guilt I have sits heavily on my shoulders. I strip out of my clothes slowly, not feeling like I deserve this time with her. I’ve missed her like crazy. Not having her to sleep next to feels so foreign.

I don’t know what I need for us to get back to how we used to be, but I know I need her to give it to me. I step into the shower and decide to lay it at her feet. I trust her just like I trust Damien. She’ll help us figure it out.

As I reach her, I get on my knees, wrapping my arms around her waist. Just like when Damien got on his knees for me, I remember how it made me feel like he really was sorry. Maybe that’s what I need too.

“Ghost,” Evie whispers, running her fingers through my hair and holding me close. Tears fall from my face freely, but thankfully the water running down the both of us hides it well.

“You don’t have to do this. It’s okay. We’re okay,” she tries to reassure me.

I shake my head as I cling onto her tighter.
