Page 66 of Mafie Queen

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I roll onto my side, but keep her close to me.

“It’s your kings, waiting to give you your crown.”

I look down at her and notice she has tears filling her eyes. My thumb swipes over them before they can fall.

“I was scared you weren’t coming back to us. That what he did to your mind would keep you away. But as I was painting, it hit me. We will always be here waiting for you. And I know in my heart, you’ll always come back.”

“I’ll always come back,” she vows.

As much as I knew it was true, hearing her say it aloud feels like the piece of my heart, the one that shattered when they took her, is finally healed.

We help each other clean up, then fall asleep in each other's arms. Her warmth pressed against me makes my cock swell again, but I don’t want to fuck her.

“Can I sleep inside you, Lucky Charm?” I ask as her back presses to my front. It takes her a second to realize what I’m asking. With no words, she hooks her leg behind mine, and I slide in.

It’s something I’ve never done before but wanted to try with her. I’m glad I did. The minute my cock slips into her, she sighs with the same relief I feel inside my soul.

Chapter 24

While Lev and Evie had their fun time, I got to work. To say I was excited to call a round table, was the understatement of the century. It was like we were actually going to be real-life knights.

The amount of calls and emails that needed to be made couldn’t wait. Alexi took care of the emails, sending encrypted files to the trusted few who signed the agreement, and I started with the calls. We were going to need neutral ground and resources if we were going to ask two hundred people to come.

This isn’t a conference room affair; this is much larger than that. It isn’t lost on us that this could be the prime time for Adrikto strike, so we have to work carefully. Every organization we contact is already aware of the members that were traitors, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t more.

We will require photos be sent prior to the gathering. Should anyone attend who has not been vetted, they will be shot on sight.

Will that piss some people off? Sure. Do I give a single flying fuck if it means keeping my girl safe? Not a single one.

Once we have the photos, Evie and Havoc will go through them to help verify that none of them are prior Shades. Since Havoc was with Adrik from the beginning, we are betting on him knowing anyone who Adrik could have sent out.

Since Nessa is supposed to be dead we’re going to conceal her as a sniper on the roof. Should anyone enter the venue without permission, or if a random family decides to try and take their shot during the round table,BANG!

I have a strong feeling there’s going to be blood spilled, so we’re arranging vehicles to transport bodies and will have clean up crews on standby. It’s honestly pretty on par with my normal setup when we have someone to take care of, which is why Alexi is trusting me with this.

He’s relying on us more and more, and it finally feels like we are all on even ground. I know he still needs the illusion of full control though, so I will randomly ask him for permission to do things, even if I’ve already planned to do that thing. It’s not so much playing a game as it is making him feel comfortable.

If it were anyone else, I’d tell them they could go fuck themselves, but I want Alexi to be able to trust that we have his back even when he might not know everything.

I’ve found the perfect venue and even bought the property so we didn’t have to worry about dealing with the owners after. In fact, I think Alexi is going to want to use it for more than just this one occasion.

“Everything is set up for the round table here.” I turn my computer to show Alexi what I’ve been working on.

Alexi looks up but rolls his eyes.

“We will never be able to get permission to have it there, Damien.”

He goes back to typing on his computer but I just laugh.

“Normally you’re right, but it felt fitting. So, since they wouldn’t let us borrow it, I decided to buy it.”

Alexi’s brows pinch this time and his hands freeze. “You bought an entire cathedral just to host a one-time gathering?”

It’s as if he lives on a different planet. Of course I didn’t buy it just for that reason.

“No,” I scoff. “I bought it because it looked cool.”I’m a reasonable man, after all.

Alexi’s fingers massage his temples. I knew this idea would blow his mind.
