Page 81 of Mafie Queen

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“Now, for the sharing of the blood.”

Evie gives us a smirk before pulling her dress to the side to reveal four red and black blades. The bottom of the handles have our initials carved into them, and she hands them to us like a gift.

“A girl’s gotta give her men a gift on their wedding day, right?”

I smile at her while Damien grabs his, inspecting the sharpened edges.

“Did you make these for us, Little Shadow?”

“Havoc helped, but yes. They are very sharp.”

Right on cue, Damien nicks his finger.

“Guess we are getting started early then.”

My father walks up to the altar, placing a chalice in the center. He leans in to kiss Evie on the cheek as he whispers, “Your father would be very proud of you,zaya.”

Her smile wobbles as she looks at him, and he peers down at her like the daughter he never sired but gets to treasure anyway.

Lev and Damien beam at her, happier than I have ever seen them.

My father takes the knife from the altar to cut open his hand and lets his blood flow freely into the golden cup.

“Let the blood of the Russian Mafia king mix with the next generation of leaders and the power of the Bratva flow through their veins.”

Evie holds out her hand and uses her knife to cut into it. Damien lets a drop of blood fall into her palm while Lev and I press into our fingers to do the same.

Once the blood is all in her hand, she squeezes it tight and holds it up between us.

“Your blood is now my blood.”

“And our names are now your names,” I say.

“Your battles are ours to fight,” Damien adds.

“And your life is ours to earn,” Lev finishes.

“Until the very end,” we say in unison.

The priest fumbles with his bible and ultimately sets it to the side.

“You may now kiss and seal the union.”

Taking Evie’s bloody hand in mine, I pull her close and kiss her in front of everyone. Damien kisses Lev as he whispers their promises to each other, and then he leans over to kiss Evie. Lev goes last, dipping her mere inches from the ground as he ravages her mouth and the crowd gasps.

I am not sure who thought this wedding would follow the normal traditions, but they were more than mistaken to assume we were not all going to make a statement with our wife.

When Lev picks her up, we all walk down the aisle. Some clap for us, and some students we worked with on the island wave and cheer. However, many stay silent.

Two years ago, I would have balked at the scene we just made out of our partnership, but things are different now. I have found a love that is unlike any other, and no one is going to take any of that joy from me or from this day.

Before we exit the doors, I turn to the crowd and gesture for an aid to bring me a mic. Soon enough, one is in my hand as my wife stands by my side along with my brothers.

“The reception will be held downstairs. However, we want to make it clear that if you disagree with the love that we share, you are not invited. This is a day to be celebrated, and we will not have ancient traditions ruining what we have found.”

I hand off the mic after the collective gasp from the fossil-like traditionalists rings out. Damien laughs as we push through to one of the back rooms with fortified walls where we had previously planned to wait in until the reception began. Thereare snacks and drinks set about, but the three of us only have eyes for our girl.

Prowling towards her, I grab her by the waist and lean her body over the bar to kiss her. We had this room renovated to be an entertainment room, hence the large bartop and tables sitting around. There’s also a couch and television,but I’d much rather be watching something else.
