Page 88 of Mafie Queen

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“Next time,” he says, flipping me back over and having to instantly adjust because even the sheets feel like too much, “you wait for my permission to come. Got it?”

“Yes, sir.”

That soft smile touches his face before he leans over to kiss me. He’s gentle and comforting and I melt into him.

“Now, let’s go get our girl.”

He grabs my ass, right where he just hit, and I nearly squeal as I stand up.Dammit, he’s going to be taking advantage of that for the next few days.

I strip out of the corset as Damien removes his clothes. “Think they are still in the gym?” he asks.

I listen for a moment, but when I hear nothing, I assume they have to be in there. Alexi is definitely in the mood to make her scream as loud as she possibly can, so they must be behind sound proof walls.

I nod at him, then Damien and I race up the stairs. The moment I hit the button and the gym doors slide open, I find that I’m right.

Chapter 30

I knew Alexi would ensure we had a fully functioning gym to train in, but what I didn’t know was that he would convert half of the equipment so that it could also be used as a sex room. Now I understand why he wanted it next to the bedroom.

He uses his hand on the small of my back to guide me to the side of the room. Targets are set up all around a wall, confusing me. There’s no way we can shoot off guns in here, right?

Alexi is still dressed in his three-piece suit while I stand in the outfit I carefully selected for my Ghost. I think he liked it too.

“This,” he says gesturing to the targets, “is for you to throw your knives at. We can set up obstacles around the room for you,and I had special lasers installed in the ceiling that can project potential targets.”

He looks so proud as he pulls up a simulation for me to see. Life-size targets appear around the room, moving to create a challenge.

“Holy shit,” I breathe, watching the scene play out.

He hands me a knife. “Remember when you thought you could stop me from getting to my knife?”

“Are you referencing when you went to see my father for the first time after you got back?” He looks perplexed and I grin.

“I am.”

“Yes, I remember that moment quite clearly.”

I toss the knife on the floor in front of us, right in the middle. “Let’s see who’s faster.”

His muscles flex to move for the blade, and we both dive to the ground. He tries to pick it up from above, but having lost knives in the middle of a fight before, I know that’s not the best way to do it.

I scoop my hands on the ground, grabbing it just before his hand descends. Rolling around him, I stand in one swift movement and hit a target right between the eyes ten yards away.

Before I can leap in victory, Alexi comes behind me and picks me up off my feet bridal style.

“I never doubted you could get to your blade, Princess.” He kisses me. “I just believed you had the control not to.”

When his lips meet mine this time, I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him close and showing him just how much his faith in me means to my broken soul.

“Want to try something new, Princess?” he asks when I pull back.

“With you? Always.”


I’m currently standing, tied to a Saint Andrew's cross that can also be used as an inversion table for stretching. My dark knight is always so clever. I thought Damien would have been the one to think of this stuff, but when he and Lev finally show up naked with shocked faces, I think it’s safe to assume that this was all Alexi.

Speaking of the demon, he’s standing right in front of me with a few other interesting tools. Damien approaches, looking like a kid who was just told he can have ice cream for dinner. I can’t help but grin at him.
