Page 95 of Mafie Queen

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Evie can hardly stand, so we take turns holding her and helping her clean up. I can see Alexi is pissed when he cleans between her legs, wiping the evidence of what we did to her away. But the night isn’t over yet.

When we finally all pile back into the bed that was changed after our sexcapade, Evie’s body seems to come back to life. She has Alexi at her back and me at her front while Lev snuggles in behind me.

Her fingers reach out to stroke my hair and lull my mind into peace. It’s amazing how she does this for us, calms the monsters in our souls until all they want to do is melt at her feet.

She cups my face and brings me in for a kiss, her tongue darting out to play with mine. I have no idea where her energy is coming from, but I won’t say no to it. I can’t get enough of my wife.

As my hands roam her body, I feel Alexi’s doing the same. Lev kisses my neck and shoulder, making the moment all the more sweet. I’m fully surrounded by all the people I love.

Evie’s leg hitches over mine, and my dick springs to life like it didn’t just come in her pussy and Lev’s ass less than thirty minutes ago. But that’s the thing with them, I’ll always be ready when they want me.

I feel Lev harden behind me, and I reach back to hitch his leg over Evie’s, a clear invitation. His fingers tease my ass while Evie strokes my cock then brings it right to her entrance.

Alexi’s cock brushes up against mine, and I slide into her wet heat just as Lev pushes into me. Pulling all the way out, I let Alexi slide in after. We take turns fucking her while Lev rocks into my ass. As hot as the scene was before, this is different.

This is love and passion all rolled into one. No scene, no questions or safewords. Because here, they aren’t needed. Here we are just husbands with their wife, loving each other in the way we’ve deserved for our whole lives but have never truly received.

This time when I come, Alexi is there to help push it all back into her. He sinks deep inside before coming with her as Lev fills my ass in the same moment. Alexi doesn’t slip out after, and it takes Lev a few minutes before he does. None of us make a move to get up.

We fall asleep just like that, holding onto each other and savoring the moment of peace together.

Chapter 33

I have only been gone from Arrow's bedside for three days, but it feels like it’s been a week. When I got back, Ellie informed me she had just finished taking Arrow on a walk through the mansion. He made it much further than he had been, but he was now passed out from the effort.

It turns out that it takes your body around four months to recover from a two-month coma, and we are only two weeks in.

He’s doing really well though, and is more than happy to be eating normal food now. I cannot tell you how many times I had to hear about that disgusting pineapple pizza. I don’t careif the wedding guests outvoted me, that trash is unacceptable as human food.

I watch his breathing as I sit beside him when a knock sounds at the door. It’s odd for Boris to knock. He usually comes in and sits with me for part of the day under the condition that I don’t talk the whole time.

Between him and Alexi, I feel like I have to number my words, and it’s actually quite infuriating. But I know he’s here because he cares, so I try my best to work with him. It doesn’t mean I don’taccidentallygo off on tangents once or twice a day that usually end with him leaving the room, but I think he’s getting used to it.

He even made a comment about bringing me in on the negotiations with Nessa. He thinks with my ‘incessant’ talking he would get people to break in negotiations much easier. However, once he realized that would mean he would have to listen to it too, he hasn’t brought it up again.

“Come in,” I say, wondering who it could be. But it’s Akio’s sweet face that comes into view, and I quickly run to hug him in greeting.

“What are you doing here?” I ask into his shoulder as he holds me close. It feels so nice to have a friend who hugs me like I need to be hugged sometimes. His arms band around me protectively but not possessively. He answers in Japanese, and we start a conversation as I pull up a chair beside mine.

“How’s he doing?” he asks, taking a seat.

“Better. I think I’m mostly relieved to know that he didn’t suffer any other injuries common for people in a coma.”

He nods, taking my hand in his. “I’m glad he’s okay. He is a good man, and I can see how much you love him.”

“I really do. More than I ever thought possible. It’s all just so complicated.”

“Love is rarely a straight line,” he chuckles, squeezing my hand and letting it go. Akio is affectionate but never to the point of disrespect. Besides, he told me he’s gay and strongly crushing on Adrian, the up-and-coming leader of the Head Hunters and son to none other than Terrance McFarland.

“I saw you dancing with Adrian at the wedding,” I bump his arm. “How was it?”

He rubs a hand down his face as he turns bright red.

“I found out he is definitely interested in me.”

“Not surprising,” I say with a laugh. Akio is very handsome, and if my arms weren’t already full with two badass mafia men and he weren’t as gay as Versace, I might actually think about hitting on him.

He chuckles, leaning back in his chair. “Now I just need to find a way to get him alone again.”
