Page 22 of A New Love

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"And you've made that dream come true, haven't you?"

"No. I was rejected from a gallery right before I went home to find Daniel packing." She winced and hesitated for a moment before continuing. "But I have always found solace in art, especially during difficult times."

Simon nodded, understanding the unspoken emotions behind her words. He took a sip of his beer, savoring the bitterness on his tongue before he spoke again. "So, what really brought you to Chesham Cove, Charlotte? It's not exactly a bustling art scene. Is it the distance? Not like your lad’s going to come across the pond to get you to sign divorce papers."

Charlotte looked down at her hands, the worn wooden table providing a backdrop for her thoughts. "I guess I just needed a change," she said slowly, choosing her words carefully. "After everything with Daniel, I wanted to feel connected to something again. To find a place where I could heal and rediscover who I am. There was this old picture of me, my dad, Roxanne. We came here once when I was twelve. I guess I'm just reaching."

"Chesham Cove has a way of doing that," Simon agreed, his voice gentle. "There's something about this place that makes you feel grounded."

"Yeah, I feel it," Charlotte whispered, her heart swelling at the realization that someone understood her desire for connection.

Simon glanced around the near-empty pub, his gaze settling back on Charlotte. "You know, you mentioned earlier that your maiden name was Anderson," he said thoughtfully. "There's a few families with that name in this area. Maybe you have some long-lost relatives here in Chesham Cove? It could be worth looking into if you're searching for a connection."

Charlotte raised her eyebrows in surprise, considering the possibility. "I never really thought about that," she admitted. "But you might be right. It could be interesting to learn more about my family history." A soft smile touched her lips as she imagined uncovering her roots in this quaint seaside village.

The pub owner approached their table, a friendly smile on his face. "Evening, folks," he said kindly, handing the bill to Simon. "I'm afraid it's time for me to close up shop for the night. I hope you two enjoyed yourselves."

"Thank you," Charlotte replied, smiling at the older man. "We had a lovely evening."

Simon nodded in agreement, unearthing some money and paying, despite Charlotte’s protests, and then sliding off his stool and offering a hand to Charlotte. She took it gratefully, feeling a jolt of electricity run through her as their fingers intertwined. Together, they walked out of the pub, leaving the warm interior behind and stepping into the cool night air.

The moon cast a gentle light over the cobblestone streets as they strolled toward the inn, its silvery beams glinting off the waves crashing against the shore. The salty sea breeze brushed against Charlotte's cheeks, filling her lungs with each breath she took.

"Isn't it beautiful out here?" Charlotte asked. "There's something so soothing about the sea at night."

Simon nodded, his eyes sparkling with the reflection of the moonlight on the water. "It is," he agreed.

As they approached the inn, the warm glow from its windows seemed to beckon them closer. Charlotte's heart raced with anticipation, unsure of what the end of the evening would bring. The cobblestone path beneath her feet felt solid and real, grounding her amid the whirlwind of emotions swirling within.

"Thank you for tonight, Simon," she said, her voice soft and sincere. "I haven't enjoyed myself like this in a long time."

Simon flashed her a warm smile, the creases around his eyes deepening as he did so. "The pleasure was all mine, Charlotte. It's been wonderful getting to know you."

They stopped just outside the inn's entrance, the sound of the waves still present but distant, like a heartbeat thrumming in the background. Charlotte could feel the warmth radiating from Simon's body, his closeness both thrilling and terrifying her in equal measure.

"Goodnight, Charlotte," Simon murmured, his voice carrying the faintest hint of reluctance.

"Goodnight," she whispered back, her breath hitching in her throat as she gathered her courage. In that moment, she decided to take a chance, leaning in to kiss him. The faint scent of sea salt hung in the air as Charlotte leaned in, her lips drawing closer to Simon's. The moment seemed suspended in time, as if the universe held its breath, waiting. Her heart pounded wildly, awaiting his reaction.

But as their lips were about to meet, Simon gently ducked away, his eyes wide with surprise. "Charlotte," he stammered, his rugged hands coming up to lightly touch her shoulders, "I'm... I'm sorry, but I don't kiss on the first date."

A wave of embarrassment washed over Charlotte, tinting her cheeks a deep shade of pink. She felt immediately foolish for misreading the situation. "I –" she hesitated, trying to find the right words. "I'msosorry, Simon. I thought... well, I don't know what I thought."

Simon's fingers gave her shoulders a reassuring squeeze before dropping back to his sides. "No need to apologize," he said gently, his gaze warm and understanding. "It's just a personal rule of mine. It doesn't mean I didn't enjoy our time together or that I'm not interested in seeing you again."

Charlotte bit her lip, her mind racing. She wished she could turn back time and undo her impulsive gesture.

"Really, Charlotte," Simon said gently. "I enjoyed our time together tonight. I'd like to get to know you better." His words rang sincere, and his gaze held hers, offering a lifeline amidst her embarrassment.

Relief washed over her like the tide. She looked down at the cobblestones beneath their feet, gathering her thoughts. "I'm sorry if I misinterpreted the moment. It's just... I haven't felt this connected to someone in such a long time."

“You didn't do anything wrong," he told her, his voice warm and comforting. "These things happen. I mean, I’ve never had a mermaid try to French me on a first date, but maybe you American mermaids do things differently."

She laughed. It released the tension between them.

"Let's take it one step at a time, shall we?" Simon suggested, his hand rising again, thumb tracing small circles on her shoulder, anchoring her further.

Charlotte nodded, finally meeting his gaze once again. "Yes, let's do that. One step at a time," she agreed, her voice regaining strength.
