Page 25 of A New Love

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With a final wave, Charlotte continued her exploration. She knew that not everyone would be as welcoming as the flower-tending woman, but she refused to let the whispers and stares of a few locals dampen her spirits. This was the fresh start she had been longing for, and Charlotte was determined to make the most of it.

The sun cast long shadows on the cobblestone streets as Charlotte wandered further into the heart of Chesham. Her ears perked up at the sound of tinkling wind chimes and the soft rustle of a sign hanging above a door. Intrigued, she approached the cozy hobby and art supply shop nestled between two ivy-covered buildings.

As Charlotte pushed open the door to the shop, she saw shelves brimming with paints, brushes, and various trinkets. A woman around Charlotte's age stood behind the counter, her vibrant purple hair pulled back in a loose bun, her eyes twinkling like stars as they met Charlotte's gaze.

"Hello there! Welcome to Hobbs’ Hobbies," the woman greeted energetically, her voice as warm and inviting as the shop itself. "I'm Samantha Hobbs, owner and resident enthusiast of all things creative."

"Hi, Samantha. I'm Charlotte Anderson," Charlotte replied, extending a hand in greeting. Their fingers met in a firm and friendly shake, solidifying the connection between them.

"Anderson? Huh. Any relation to the local Andersons?" Samantha inquired, her head tilted ever so slightly to one side.

"You know, I’m not sure. But you’re not the first to ask that," Charlotte confirmed, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Ah, I see. You must be new here then. I haven't seen you around town before," Samantha said, leaning against the counter with a cheeky grin.

Charlotte nodded, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “Just arrived a few days ago."

"Welcome to our little slice of heaven." Samantha gestured to the shelves lining the walls. "What brings you to our town?"

"Looking for a change of pace," Charlotte confessed, her fingers tracing the spines of various sketchbooks. "Plus, I've been wanting to focus more on my art. This place seems like the perfect spot to get what I need to paint."

"Ah, an artist! That's wonderful." Samantha's face brightened with genuine interest. "You'll find no shortage of inspiration here, that's for sure. Chesham Cove has its fair share of natural beauty and some charming quirks."

"Any places in particular you'd recommend?" Charlotte asked, glancing up from her perusal of the supplies.

"Definitely the fisherman's wharf down by the shore. It's absolutely picturesque during sunrise and sunset. And there's an old lighthouse not too far off that's a favorite subject of local painters," Samantha suggested, her voice carrying a hint of excitement. “Some fields of wildflowers outside town, and the buildings! I mean, The Crown herself is a lovely building.”

“That she is,” Charlotte agreed.

Charlotte's fingertips grazed over the rows of oil paints, her eyes drinking in the vibrant hues that lined the shelves. She could already imagine the bold strokes and delicate wisps of color that would soon grace her canvas. The scent of linseed oil and turpentine mingled in the air, the familiar aroma grounding her as she continued to explore the cozy shop.

Her fingers paused at a tube of cerulean blue, an image of the ocean's rolling waves filling her mind's eye. Selecting a number of high-quality paints from the display, she eagerly envisioned the sunsets and rugged cliffs she would soon commit to canvas.

Next, she perused the brushes, carefully considering their bristles and handles, seeking the perfect tools to translate her vision into reality. Finally settling on a few sable-hair brushes of varying sizes, she placed them alongside the paints in her basket.

"Canvases are just around the corner," Samantha pointed out, sensing Charlotte's next need. "We have a variety of sizes and materials to choose from, depending on your preference."

"Thank you," Charlotte murmured, her gaze sweeping over the blank canvases that awaited her. She selected a few sturdy, already stretched linen canvases, their crisp white surfaces waiting for her untold stories and creative expressions.

"Looks like you've gathered quite the collection there," Samantha remarked, a smile playing on her lips as she observed Charlotte's choices.

"Here's to hoping," Charlotte replied. She made her way to the register.

As Samantha rang up Charlotte's selections, she casually leaned against the counter and said, "You know, we have quite a creative community here in Chesham Cove. There are regular art workshops at the community center, and a small but passionate group of artists who gather for plein air painting sessions by the harbor."

Charlotte listened intently, her fingers absently tracing the smooth handles of the brushes as she envisioned herself joining these artists, capturing the beauty of the cove on canvas. She felt a spark of excitement at the prospect of immersing herself in the local art scene, allowing it to nurture her talent and inspire new ideas. She had lived in New York her whole life, and she’dneverpainted alongside another artist outside of school.

How isolated she had been—even in that bustling place.

"Sounds lovely," she murmured, a soft smile playing on her lips. "I've been looking for an opportunity to meet other artists and learn from them. It's been too long since I've had that kind of camaraderie."

Samantha grinned, her eyes twinkling with enthusiasm. "And if you're ever interested in trying something new, I offer classes here at the shop as well. We dabble in everything from watercolors to pottery. Bet you could teach oil painting, couldn’t you?"

"Really?" Charlotte asked, her curiosity piqued. She imagined the cozy shop transforming into a lively studio space, filled with laughter, learning, and the scent of wet paint mingling with the earthy aroma of clay.

"Absolutely!" Samantha confirmed, nodding enthusiastically. "In fact, we have a watercolor workshop coming up next week. You should join us! Just pop in, see what’s what."

"Thank you," she said softly, her gratitude evident in her warm gaze. "I'd love to join you."
