Page 41 of A New Love

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The warmth of the kitchen seemed to intensify, spreading through Charlotte's chest until she felt as if she were glowing from within. With Marge's approval secured and her dream within reach, she knew it was time to share the news with someone who had always been there for her – her sister Roxanne.

"Would you mind if I make a quick phone call?" Charlotte asked, her voice trembling with excitement.

"Of course not, dear," Marge replied, gesturing toward the telephone on the wall. "Go right ahead."

Charlotte approached the vintage rotary phone with an eagerness that belied its antiquated nature. The cold, black receiver felt heavy in her hand as she pressed it against her ear and dialed Roxanne's number from memory. The line crackled and buzzed, as if trying to keep up with the frantic pace of her heartbeat.

"Hello?" Roxanne's voice came through, laced with curiosity.

"Roxanne, it's me." Charlotte could barely contain her giddiness as she struggled to form words. "I-I did it. I'm buying The Crown Inn!"

"Wait, what?" Roxanne responded, her confusion palpable. "You're buying an inn? That old place you've been staying at?"

"Yes! Oh, Rox, you should see it. It's absolutely perfect," Charlotte gushed, her words tumbling out like water over a riverbed. "It has so much potential, and I just know that turning it into a bed and breakfast is exactly what I want to do with my life."

"Char, are you sure this isn't just a spur-of-the-moment decision?" Roxanne's initial skepticism was evident, but Charlotte could hear the trace of concern beneath it. "I mean, I want you to be happy, but this is a huge commitment."

"I know, Rox, I know," Charlotte reassured her, a fierce determination tightening her grip on the receiver. "But I've never felt more certain about anything in my life. This is what my heart has been searching for."

"Wow," Roxanne breathed, the surprise in her voice giving way to awe. "Okay, Charlotte. If you're sure about this, then I'm with you one hundred percent. We Anderson girls have always been unstoppable when we put our minds to something."

"Thank you, Rox. I love you," Charlotte replied, her eyes glistening with unshed tears of gratitude.

"Hey, what are sisters for?" Roxanne's playful tone returned as she chuckled lightly. "Now, let's hear all about this grand plan of yours."

As Charlotte eagerly recounted her vision for The Crown Inn, the comforting scent of fresh-baked bread and Marge's lavender soap enveloped her, rooting her even more firmly to this place. She knew with certainty that she belonged here.

"Rox," she said, her voice soft with determination, "I need you to do me a favor. Can you pack up my belongings and ship them to England? I'm not coming back for a while.

There was a brief pause on the other line before Roxanne responded, her tone filled with admiration. "You're really going all in, aren't you?"

"Absolutely," Charlotte replied, her eyes shining with conviction. "This is my chance to truly make a difference and build something. All on my own."

"Alright, sis, consider it done." Roxanne's voice was thick with emotion, but she quickly regained her usual sass. "Just be prepared for a few extra pairs of shoes making their way into your shipment. You know how much I love shopping."

Charlotte laughed, her heart swelling with gratitude. "Thank you, Rox."

"Of course," Roxanne reassured her, her voice gentle yet firm. "I believe in you, Charlotte. If anyone can turn that inn into something amazing, it's you."


Charlotte's fingers danced across the keys as she powered up her laptop, the familiar hum of its machinery filling the otherwise quiet room. She adjusted the camera ever so slightly, angling it upwards to capture the full essence of her beaming smile. A quick check of the internet connection reassured her that everything was in order, and with a deep breath, she clicked on Amelia's name, initiating their video call.

As the seconds ticked by, Charlotte's anticipation mounted, her heart fluttering like the wings of a hummingbird. The news she wanted to share with Amelia was too important – too life-changing – to merely send as a text or discuss over a simple phone call. She needed to see her daughter's face, to witness firsthand the excitement she knew would light up Amelia's eyes.

While she waited for the call to connect, Charlotte thought about how much her world had shifted in recent months. Gone were the days of submitting to Daniel's overbearing demands and stifling her own dreams to cater to his whims. This was her time now, her opportunity to take hold of her life and forge a new path, one filled with passion and purpose. And it all began with the enchanting little inn she'd discovered nestled in the heart of a quaint seaside town.

The sound of the call connecting snapped Charlotte back to the present, her gaze immediately drawn to the small preview window displaying her own image. She smoothed down her wavy, chestnut locks and straightened her posture, wanting to appear both poised and confident as she shared her news with Amelia. The last thing she wanted was for her daughter to sense any lingering doubts or uncertainties that might still be lurking in the corners of her mind.

The moment Amelia's face appeared on the screen, a radiant smile spread across her features, mirroring Charlotte's own. The connection between mother and daughter was undeniable – it was as if they shared a secret language all their own, one that needed no words to convey the depth of their bond.

"Hi, Mom!" Amelia beamed, her enthusiasm palpable even through the screen. "It's so good to see you! What's going on?"

"Hello, sweetheart," Charlotte replied, her heart swelling with love for her daughter. "I have some wonderful news to share with you."

"Really?" Amelia's eyes widened with curiosity. "What is it?"

"Well, I found an absolutely charming inn in this quaint seaside town. It has so much potential, Amelia. I can just picture it – cozy guest rooms filled with my paintings, a warm, inviting atmosphere where people can truly relax and feel at home..."
